Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Surrender to tour with Apoptygma Berzerk

Modern rock band THE SURRENDER have announced that they will warm up audiences opening for Norway’s influential and legendary synthpop band APOPTYGMA BERZERK’s U.S. Fall Tour in support of their debut EP di Amor.

Based in Southern California, members of The Surrender include Courtney Love/Hole and Rock Kills Kid (RKK) bassist Shawn Dailey and drummer Mike Balboa, also of RKK. The band came together with San Diego-born singer/songwriter Collin Elliott to create The Surrender in 2007.

With influences ranging from The Cure, U2, Radiohead and Interpol among others, The Surrender provide a perfect setting to Elliott's engaging, soulful voice. The Surrender’s sound is incredibly melodic and ethereal with the dynamic sound of Modern Rock intact. This unique sound best described by the band as “American New Romanticism” combined with their hard-hitting and captivating live shows has earned the band a huge following in the Los Angeles and San Diego rock scenes.

The Surrender have also earned the honor of ranking in the top five best alternative rock songs on the music networking website in August and October of 2008 with their namesake track “The Surrender.” With guitarist Neil Parek's 80s New Wave training and bass player Dailey's years as a fixture in the Southern California alternative rock scene, The Surrender has the components to connect to a wide audience. Di Amor is a great mix of influential sounds from times ago and a fresh perspective of the modern music landscape.

Tourmates Apoptygma Berzerk (also a Reybee artist) are embarking on their Fall 2009 trek in support of their new album Rocket Science. With guest vocals from Good Charlotte's Benji Madden and Dresden Dolls' Amanda Palmer, this album brings APOP to a new level. First making a big impact with their 1991 debut album Soli Deo Gloria and really hitting their stride with the worldwide danceclub hit single "Kathy's Song" in 2000, Apoptygma Berzerk have toured Europe, North America, Australia and Israel with bands such as VNV Nation, Beborn Beton and Icon of Coil. The band has a discography numbering more than a dozen albums, over 30 releases if we count singles and EPs as well - and a band history spanning almost twenty years, and touring some 15+ countries.

Their live shows have been praised SPHERE Magazine who reported, "those seeking a live show filled with energy, enthusiasm and interaction were certainly not disappointed. It was a very LIVE performance in every sense of the word."

Tour dates are as follows:
9/02 9:30 Club Washington DC All Ages (AA)
9/03 Gramercy Theater New York NY AA
9/04 Middle East Cambridge MA 18+
9/05 Le Studio Montreal QC AA
9/06 Big Bop Concert Hall Toronto ON AA
9/07 Peabodys Cleveland OH AA
9/08 Crofoot Ballroom Pontiac MI AA
9/09 Double Door Chicago IL 21+
9/11 Elysium Nightclub Austin TX 21+
9/12 ExpoCenter Mexico City MX 18+
9/14 Berbatis Pan Portland OR AA
9/15 El Corazon Seattle WA AA
9/17 Knitting Factory Hollywood CA AA
9/19 New City Edmonton AB 18+
9/20 DNA Lounge San Francisco CA 21

Listen to songs from The Surrender at

Listen to songs from Apoptygma Berzerk at

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