Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Win $500 for your mole story

Anyone who has ever said, “You’re making mountains out of molehills” clearly does not understand the frustration, the agitation and the downright despair moles can cause for homeowners. However, Sweeney’s, makers of consumer products designed to send these lawn destroyers packing, does - and we want to hear your stories.

Whether you’ve tried BBs or bubble gum, or even explosives, submit your tale of mole woes to Sweeney’s 2nd Annual I Hate Moles Because… contest. By entering, you will not only be able to vent your frustrations, but you could also win one of several prizes. Homeowners need only write a short story about their mole woes, and send it to Sweeney’s.

“It’s not easy to get rid of these varmints,” says Stewart Clark, technical director at Sweeney’s. “There isn’t one sure method to get rid of moles – you have to work at it. Having a sense of humor helps. Almost every day, we get to hear some pretty funny mole stories, and we decided it was high time to give homeowners a forum to vent their angst. We figured ‘why should we have all the fun?’ ”

Molers are not alone. Last year, more than 250 people penned their worst “mole woe” stories, sharing tales of strategic campaigns designed to return lawns across America to their rightful suburban beauty. The winning entry was a poem, “The Charge of the Mole Patrol,” and recounts one man’s efforts to control the moles with everything from garlic to fireworks and compactors.

The contest rules are simple. If you or someone you know has ever resorted to measures of Caddyshack proportions – or beyond – Sweeney’s wants to hear about it. Submit your mole woe story and what you did about it (if anything). Be sure to check the Sweeney’s website frequently, as the Sweeney’s mole-fighting judges will post some of their favorite entries as they are received.

One lucky winner will receive a $500 gift card to Lowe’s Home Improvement. Ten runners up with also receive a gift basket filled with an arsenal of mole, vole and gopher solutions from Sweeney’s.

For more information or to enter, visit Stories may also be submitted directly to the judges at or by mail to:

Sweeney’s “I Hate Moles Because…” Contest
2244 Dunroyal Drive
St. Louis, MO 63131

Here’s the small print: We won't give your information or e-mail address to anyone else, for any reason, under any circumstances. Odds of winning depend on how your mole woes compare to other contestants mole woes. Contest entries must be received by 11:59 PM on Sunday, August 31, 2008 to be eligible. Good luck!

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