Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rose Leaf Ragtime Club meets and plays Dec. 28

THE ROSE LEAF RAGTIME CLUB, now in its 13th year of operation, which meets on the last Sunday of every month, will have its December MUSICAL GET-TOGETHER on Sunday,
December 28, 2008 at the Aztec Hotel’s Mayan Restaurant from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

The Aztec Hotel, a marvelous historic building, built in 1925, is located at 311 W. Foothill Boulevard in Monrovia, 4½ blocks west of Myrtle. Plenty of free parking at the west side of the hotel. Suggested donation -- $2.00 (performers are not asked to donate). Ragtime and related types of music, classic and contemporary, played on one or two upright pianos, as well as on other instruments. Attendees are encouraged to support the hotel (which does not charge the club) by partaking of the reasonable and tasty all-you-can-eat buffet--$10.95 plus beverage (wine and beer are available) and tax. Performers, listeners and dancers (there’s a small dance floor) are always welcome.

For further information call Hal Leavens (626) 359-8648 or Ron Ross (818) 766-2384 or send e-mail to

The Rose Leaf Ragtime Club is on the Web at

Videos of recent meetings can be viewed at



Mickie, love to have you stop by Vitello's restaurant at 2-5pm on Saturday, January 10 for the next Valley Ragtime Stomp meeting. It's a much looser atmosphere than the other clubs. You might dig it.
-Rob Thomas

Mickie said...

Hello Rob,

I would like to catch your Valley Ragtime Stomp event, but I am booked for that day. Please send me info on upcoming shows and meetings so I can let my readers know.

Keep on rockin'

Mickie said...

Hello Rob,

I would like to catch your Valley Ragtime Stomp event, but I am booked for that day. Please send me info on upcoming shows and meetings so I can let my readers know.

Keep on rockin'

Mickie said...

Hello Rob,

I would like to catch your Valley Ragtime Stomp event, but I am booked for that day. Please send me info on upcoming shows and meetings so I can let my readers know.

Keep on rockin'