Pasadena's "other" Parade is happening this Sunday, January 18th and you never know what sort of freaks it'll bring out of the woodwork! The 32nd OCCASIONAL DOO DAH PARADE kicks off at 11:30am from the corner of Raymond and Holly in Old Towne, with SNOTTY SCOTTY & HIS/HER HANKIES (pictured here) leading the pack.
With plenty of political and other topical subject matter to choose from, you can be sure to see spoofs of just about anything and anyone in the news these days, along with many of the Parade regulars that have become favorites over the years.
And the fun doesn't stop there. Head on over to the AMERICAN LEGION in East Pasadena for the OFFICIAL POST-PARADE PARTY with live music from SNOTTY SCOTTY & THE HANKIES and HORSES ON ASTROTURF. Cheap food, full bar, raffles and dancing till the cows come home! See below for complete details...
tonite!!! 1/13 - "TAPAS TUESDAY" @ MARY'S MARKET & CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with TOM SAUBER, master of folk music and folklore, 6:30 - 9pm. 561 Woodland Ave. Limited parking in the lot, but plenty more towards the entrance to the Canyon. Yummy new menu items each week!
tonite!!! TUES. 1/13 - WRECK 'N' SOW @ THE PIKE IN LONG BEACH, 8pm - Midnight. 1836 E. 4th St. 562-437-4453. Fun Bluegrass stuff w/great harmonies & snazzy overalls! The Dupuy brothers, etc. http://www.wrecknsow.%20com/index.htm
WED. 1/14 - TOO MANY GUITARS @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. Rock, Blues and Country Music. Back at 322 by popular demand! Can't wait to see them!
WED. 1/14 - DAVID SERBY & THE SIDEWINDERS @ VIVA CANTINA IN BURBANK, 10pm, with THE RUNNING KIND at 8:30. 900 Riverside Dr., next to the L.A. Equestrian Center. 818-845-2425. Full bar & great Mexican food. No cover, all ages. Americana/Country. http://www.davidserby.com/
THURS. 1/15 - DAVID SERBY @ THE PIKE BAR IN LONG BEACH, 9pm. 1836 E. 4th St., one block west of Cherry. 562-437-4453. Full bar and dinner 'til late. Americana/Country. http://www.davidserby.com/
FRI. 1/16 - The MELLOW D'z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. "Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!" http://www.myspace.com/themellowdeees
FRI. 1/16 - "THE SUBS" (Better Than Blue's acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 7:30 - 11:30pm. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. In the bar area, but you can order food also. All ages ok. Joe Velosa, Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright. Acoustic rock, soul & blues. 626-915-3474. FYI: no more live music on Saturday nights.
FRI. 1/16 - DIRTY DAVE OSTI (and band) @ GEM CITY GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9:00pm. 115 E. Olive, off of Myrtle. 626-358-0342. Full bar, no cover, dance floor, pool tables. Featuring new songs from Dave's 2009 CD "Electric Blue Soul Fire." Rock, Blues.
FRI. 1/16 - INSECT SURFERS @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Alternative Surf Music.
SAT. 1/17 - BARRY "BIG B" BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www.bigbbrenner.com/
SAT. 1/17 - THE SHEDS, CHASE LONG BEACH and BAD MANNERS @ THE KNITTING FACTORY IN HOLLYWOOD, 7pm. $17 advance, $20 at the door. 7021 Hollywood Blvd. 323-463-0204. Ska, Alternative, Punk.
SAT. 1/17 - THE STAN WEST BAND (with Paul Dorn of Vin Fiz Flyer and New Astroturf fame on bass) @ THE GELENCSER HOUSE CONCERTS IN CLAREMONT, 7:30pm. A benefit for the Pasadena Maple Leafs Hockey team. $15 admission. Check website for more info. Looks like a pretty cool venue. Blues. http://gelencserhouseconcerts.com/index_files/Page266.html
SAT. 1/17 - THE MERCY POWELL QUARTET @ THE WORLD-FAMOUS DERBY IN ARCADIA, 7:30 - 11:30pm. 233 E. Huntington Dr. 626-447-2430. Full bar, 5-star restaurant. Jazz, R&B, Standards, Swing.
SAT. 1/17 - THE ALL AMERICAN WRANGLERS @ VIVA CANTINA IN BURBANK, 8 - 11pm. 900 Riverside Dr., next to the L.A. Equestrian Center. 818-845-2425. Full bar & great Mexican food. No cover, all ages. Country. Sierra Madre's own Ben Rushing on drums - this guy is almost as busy as Peter Burke!
SAT. 1/17 - JETSTREAM @ THE RANCHO BAR IN ALTADENA, 9pm. 2485 N. Lake Ave. 626-798-7634. Full bar, no cover. Jet's jammin' hippie rock band. http://www.ranchobar.com/
SAT. 1/17 - THE FORTUNATE FEW @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9:30pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, friendly service! Blues. http://www.myspace.com/fortunatefewblues
SAT. 1/17 - LIGHTNIN' WILLIE & THE POORBOYS @ GEM CITY GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9:30pm. 115 E. Olive, off of Myrtle. 626-358-0342. Full bar, no cover, dance floor, pool tables. Lightnin' fast BLUES. http://www.myspace.com/lightninwillie
SUN. 1/18 - BARRY "BIG B" BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. Plenty of time to hop on the Gold Line & head down there right after the Doo Dah Parade! http://www.bigbbrenner.com/
SUN. 1/18 - the 32nd OCCASIONAL DOO DAH PARADE IN PASADENA, 11:30am start time @ the corner of Raymond & Holly in Old Towne. Pre-parade all-you-can-eat pancake & egg breakfast right there at the Pasadena Senior Center is a great way to start the day, for a mere $6. Then find yourself a piece of curb on Raymond or Colorado Blvd., (west to Pasadena Ave.) for the City's most wacky & wild event of the year! Bands, floats, drill teams, and the most colorful array of individuals gathered together anywhere, are sure to make you laugh and cheer until the very last tortilla flies! http://www.pasadenadoodahparade.info/
***OFFICIAL DOO DAH PARADE POST-PARTY*** hosted by the Light Bringer Foundation, featuring live music from SNOTTY SCOTTY & THE HANKIES and HORSES ON ASTROTURF, immediately following at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL in East Pasadena. 179 N. Vinedo Ave. $5 admission, 21 & over. CHEAP food & drinks, raffles, and even more Doo Dah fun!
SUN. 1/18 - THE MERCY POWELL QUARTET @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd . 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Mercy, Josh, Marc & a guest drummer doin' some standards & jazzy stuff for your dining & listening pleasure! Knowing Mercy - even if she's in the Doo Dah Parade this morning, she'll still do this gig as well, but call ahead just in case.
WED. 1/21 - aka MAX BUDA @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar, great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Unique jazzy rock stuff from Chester & the boys. FYI - they'll be back to the SECOND Wed. of the month in Feb.
FRI. 1/23 - The MELLOW D'z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. "Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!" http://www.myspace.com/themellowdeees
FRI. 1/23 - OCHO X @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. Latin influenced rock jams.
FRI. 1/23 - 20th CENTURY BLUES @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks!
FRI. 1/23 - TOO MANY STEVES @ GEM CITY GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9pm. 115 E. Olive Ave., just east of Myrtle. No cover, full bar, dance floor. Be there for this experimental Rock Super Group's public debut! All Steves all the time: VARGAS, YSAIS, BRUEN, POWELL, AMROMIN. Celebrating the Birthday of my little brother Stevie B! If your name is Steve - we want YOU!
SAT. 1/24 - BARRY "BIG B" BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www.bigbbrenner.com/
SAT. 1/24 - STEVE & STEVE (Ysais & Vargas) doin' their acoustic duo thing @ THE ST. RITA'S "WINTER WINE FEST" - FUND RAISER at the Alverno Villa, 7 - 9:30pm. $20 at the door, or $10 in advance. All guests are to bring one $15 bottle of wine as well - some for tasting, some for raffles. Call St. Rita's School for complete details: 626-355-6114.
SAT. 1/24 - THE HUBCAPS @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. 3 pc. Rock band with Keith from the Bottle Shop on bass. Lots of Neil Young, Who, Pink Floyd, etc. I love these guys! Call ahead or check for confirmation next week - seems to be a discrepancy about the date.
SAT. 1/24 - JAIMI SHUEY and DAFNI @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Americana, Country.
SUN. 1/25 - BARRY "BIG B" BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www.bigbbrenner.com/
SUN. 1/25 - Matt Denny's Ale House Restaurant 10th Anniversary Party, 1 - 8pm. 145 E. Huntington Dr. 626-446-1077. Full bar & kitchen. $3.00 BBQ sandwiches, Happy Hour drink prices all day, $10.00 Anniversary shirts, and much more! Acoustic guitar & vocals with Roadhouse Ron, 1-3:30 and Classic Rock with The Alumni, 4-8pm.
SUN. 1/25 - Have Lunch with NEW ASTROTURF @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food in a comfy setting. Bring the family! Acoustic Folk/Rock, Classic Country.
SUN. 1/25 - "OPERA TO BROADWAY" VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack 'em in!
Please remember to call and verify all info. before making plans. Everything is subject to change. This is show biz, after all...
Hope to see you out & about,
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