Wednesday, January 14, 2009

End o' week musings

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's too early for my end o' week musings, but I'm a busy grrrl. I will be at NAMM, the big music industry convention Thursday and Friday, my brother's wedding on Saturday and in the 32nd Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Sunday. I'm also going to take a break on Monday to recouperate.

Friday night I headed out to First Cabin in Arcadia to catch Pat O'Brien and the Priests of Love. This rockin' blues group is the house band for the venue three nights a week and they draw a crowd. It was a fun evening and you can learn more about it when my Nightlife story publishes Friday. Visit

Saturday I went back to the Gallery at the End of the World ( ) for five more hours of working on the float. It's really awesome. I was there again last night to help out some more and wow! it's getting downright impressive. I made a clutch of pennants for us to stick on the float or for people to carry too. Everything for the float is recycled- cardboard castle walls, ribbons and garlands, even my throne!

Saturday night I went to Old Towne Pub in Pasadena for the Official Pre-Doo Dah Party. It was a blast. My friend Angela did my hair and makeup so I looked retro glam, fitting for my songs and attire. (Audrey Hepburn eat your heart out!) Oh, yeah, did I mention that I was going to sing? And sing I did. I took the stage with Andrew's Bad Stuff for a horn-embellished bluesy version of "Fever" and a cool offering of the HorrorPops' "Hitchcock Starlet."

I think I did OK, as the band has invited me to sing with them again. The other fun was lots of my friends showed up, including Valerie, Byron and Roc. I also enjoyed introducing "my" float designer Dave Lovejoy to everyone.

The rest of my week has been short for too much excitement, as I've been busy getting ready for this weekend.

If you come out to the Doo Dah Parade, look for the castle and say hello! For more info, visit

Photos we got 'em: Only three things came my way over the past few days-- a nice photo of local musician Joe Walla (before his dinner probably), a pic of me without makeup and very little sleep on actor/drummer Ric Sarabia's front porch when I showed up for some drumming practice and a photo of me with (left to right) Roc, Valerie and Angela at the Pub Saturday.

In rotation this week: Fall From Grace, Soulspeak, Britney Spears, HorrorPops, Rob Zombie and Dio.

Thought of the week: Don't hesitate when it comes to fun. Most of my friends think I'm a little crazy with my overly busy schedule, but I just can't bear to miss a thing. This weekend is a good example. NAMM offers networking, story opportunities, education and lots more, all in a relaxed atmosphere (plus it's cool if you're into music). My brother's wedding is great because he's happy and there will be dinner and dancing and a chance to wear something pretty. The Doo Dah Parade, well... what more can I say about that? It's the biggest party in Pasadena!

If this doesn't inspire you to share my fun or find your own, perhaps my mottos will help:

1) I'll sleep when I'm dead
2) Don't dream it... Do it!

Keep on rockin'

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