Friday, May 15, 2009

Echo Us to release new album in July

Echo Us returns with a new album and entirely new approach to its musical journey. The conceptual album, “The Tide Decides”, marries a metaphysical approach to music with fantasy or ‘theoretical’ story telling - from what seems like an alien universe.

The story could well be about humanity as a whole, but one could apply it personally to any terrestrial life: Birth, traveling through life, and ending up wherever you please- to begin again and ride a new path of consciousness to infinite conclusions.

Synopsis: The Tide Decides brings forth a life, living as if it moved in tandem and perfectly parallel with the entirety of human existence. From birth through evolution, to perish or reincarnate The Tide Decides concept is of a fantastic nature, and loosely ties to philosophical ideas and ideals of a new (meta) physics, new age, and the falling away of chronological human consciousness.

The album features the playing of a variety of musicians and utilizes a broad range of electronic and acoustic sounds- creating something otherworldly and human all at once.

The Tide Decides will be released with worldwide distribution under Musea Records of France.

Echo Us is based in Portland, Oregon.

Harp: Raelyn Olson
Drums: Andrew Greene
Viola: Teri Untalan
Bass: Aaron Bell
All else: Ethan

the tide decides
1. From Snow To Sea…
2. We Surfaced
3. Trans-Atlantic
4. State Of Expectation
5. The Tide Decides
6. Fantastic Elevation
7. Descending From The Dream
8. Shooting Scenes
9. Out at The Edge Of The World
10. …And Sea To Sky [Bon Voyage]

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