It has been one long, frustrating week with a few bright spots here and there.... well, let's just get to the heart of things.
Friday night I trekked out to the Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena to see Ron Ely and The Pirates of the Bla
ck Swan. Both acts were centered on the seas, albeit with different takes and styles. You can read my review at They will be back at the venue on June 6 and if you're hankering for something different, I suggest you make a reservation for the show.

Saturday I got up early, went to yoga class and then returned home to prepare for my day. I took my mother out to the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Arcadia, where we were to meet my friend Cindy and her mom. Cindy is moving to Northern California in a couple of weeks and I will miss her terribly. Every time we get together we just laugh and laugh. We also share our problems and support each other.
Back to my story... Lots of peacocks were sitting in the trees on the grounds and everything was in bloom. About halfway through our walk I accidently stepped in a hole (should of been looking down instead of at the plants I guess). Cindy helped me up and one look at my rapidly swelling ankle told me it was time to go home. Cindy graciously stayed with our moms so they could continue their visit, then took them to lunch and stopped by to check on me when she brought my mom ho

After hours of ice and elevation, the swelling had gone down a lot and I was able to walk OK. Sunday morning I woke up to see swelling around my entire ankle and my foot too. I was supposed to go to the Renaissance Faire and it was obvious that that would not be a good idea. I called my friends and told them to go have fun without me. (Later they called me to say they had a nice time, but it just wasn't the same- how sweet, huh?).
It took some effort to get dressed and hobble out to my car, but I knew I needed to go to the hospital and I have insurance, so there was no excuse. The doctor took one look at my ankle and said, "I hope it isn't broken." Aaarrrghggh! Now that's something you want to hear...
He sent me to radiology for some x-rays. It was kind of funny because after my screening the technician told me to wait in the room because he was going to have the radiologist review the x-rays and then send me to wherever I needed to go next. Well, the tech had to go to another part of the hospital and he never came back, he also forgot to tell anyone that I was waiting. Finally my cell phone rang and it was the nurse looking for me. I explained what had happened and they told me to go back to the doctor's office. Too funny!! But I wasn't mad because it was a Sunday and the staffing is reduced, so things happen. At least I wasn't stuck in the mammography machine, right?!
Everything turned out the best it could in the situation. I have a sprained ankle and a lot of bruising. I expressed my concern to the doctor, as I have two big dance gigs coming up in June (June 5 at the Gallery at the End of the World in Altadena and June 13 at Cairo Caravan at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, see for more info). He ordered me to use crutches for the week and, at home, keep my foot up and iced. Then next week I am supposed to start walking and put weight on my foot so I can get it going again. If all goes as it should, I should be fine in time, although the doctor cautioned me to be careful for the next three months.
Geez, sometimes I think if I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all...
I did have some very cool things happen this week, though.
On Monday Julia Duffy called me for an interview. I was talking to her to preview her appearance in "The Little Foxes" at Pasadena Playhouse ( ) I have long been a fan of her work and she was sweet and smart. We had a nice chat and she even complimented me on my questions. What a nice woman. I'm looking forward to seeing the show next week.
Tuesday, Nigel Rojas from Orange Sky ( ) called me for our interview. I love this band and the guys are really great! We did all the business stuff, as the group will be playing with King's X in Hollywood on June 5 and in Santa Ana
on June 6. From Trinidad, Orange Sky offers up hard rock mixed with reggae and, in their most recent album, "Dat Iz Voodoo," they leave behind the island, romance and angst topics of their previous effort, "Upstairs," to take on politics, society, culture... oh and a little bit of love...

Serious stuff out of the way, Nigel and I caught up with each other and discussed what it was like on the road. He also asked me what I honestly thought of the new album~ I like it. It's different than their first, you know it's the same band, but you can tell that their music is evolving. I'll also add that they are really great to catch live. I'll be in the front row of the Galaxy on the 6th for sure!
On Wednesday I went to Gallery Nucleus ( ) in Alhambra to meet with Tom Peak to discuss his father's upcoming show, "Bob Peak: Father of the Modern Hollywood Poster." I think almost everyone is familiar with Bob Peak's work. He did many of the major movie posters, as well as illustrations for TV Guide, Time magazine, advertisements and more. I was especially impressed by the painting he did for "Apocalypse Now," it is so dramatic! And his "My Fair Lady" work is simply beautiful.
Wednesday afternoon I called Hawaiian slack key guitarist Cyril Pahinui ( ) for an interview to preview his performance and workshop at the Folk Music Center ( ) in Claremont. He was extremely pleasant and shared some fun stories about his life. Pahinui is a Grammy Award winner and has played with many artists in the music industry. He's well worth checking out.
My final highlight of the week was my podmate Linda bringing me a cup of coffee both Thursday and today. Ever tried to carry a drink while on crutches? Yeah, unless it's in my hip flask, it ain't happening... lol!
Saturday I'm planning to attend the Fullerton Guitar Orchestra concert in Covina. This group is phenomenal. It's all guitars, but you can hear the parts for flute, piano and even percussion in their selections. The show is 7 p.m. Saturday and the $10 ticket proceeds goes to support the orchestra's trip to Bulgaria. For more info, call (626) 862-9583.
You should be able to find most of my stories about the different people and groups I've interviewed online at just prior to their appearances.
Lastly, I received some very sad news last night. My friend Auggie died. He has been very ill for the past year, but he never lost his happy, friendly attitude. He was the kind of guy who helped anyone who even looked like they needed something. Big and tall, Auggie didn't hesistate wrapping his arms around you for the best bear hugs ever.
Auggie, I will miss you. I hope that you are finally free of pain and receive all the good things you so much deserve. Valhalla awaits, as you are truly a hero....
In rotation this week: Janis Joplin, Carbon 9, Orange Sky, Joe Walla, The Carpenters, Billy Joel and Tom Lehrer.
Photos we got 'em: A cute pet pic from Stuff on My Cat, a promo shot of Orange Sky, photos of Ron Ely and Pirates of the Black Swan (sent by Ron~ thank you) and an American flag to honor all the people who have given their lives to keep us free, please take a minute to remember them on Memorial Day.
Thought o' the week: Last night and this morning I've been in a quandry as to what positive thing I could possibly say here. I've been very down since I hurt my ankle, which just happens to be on the same leg as the knee I've been working so hard to get back to how it should be. I feel very helpless and alone.
But perhaps solitude is what I've needed. With so much "quiet time," I have been reflecting on my life. Where I have been and where I want to go. More importantly, how am I going to get there. The doors are wide open with opportunities, the hard part is deciding which one you want to walk through.
There are certain things that I really want of which I have very little control and other things that are totally in my hands. Over the weekend I intend to write down my g
oals, ideas and dreams and figure everything out. There's a certain peace in finding your place in the world and it's there waiting for me.... and you as well.

Keep on rockin'
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