Thursday, May 14, 2009

Frank Cano Latin Jazz Band at Steamers Saturday

Frank Cano Latin Jazz Band

Christine Devine, Fox 11 News
"Great CD! I put in on my living room stereo and cranked it throughout the whole house. The music is so lively and entertaining. It puts you in such a great mood."

This Saturday May 16th
2 Shows - 8:30 pm and 10:45 pm

Steamers Jazz Club
1380 W. Commonwealth
Fullerton, Ca
714-871 8800
Call for Reservations

Frank Cano - Trumpet
Benn Clatworthy - Tenor Sax
Pablo Coligero - Bari
Quinn Johnson - Piano
Larry Vazquez - Bass
Victor Baez - Congas
Jorge Carbonell - Timbales

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