Thursday, May 14, 2009

Steve Hnery releases new album

Steve Henry is certainly not your typical songwriter. He may well be a craftsman of beautiful, poetic ballads that trace the shape of the human heart. But he is much much more than that.He is a mountaineer, a nomad, an explorer. Steve has spent thirty years exploring the toughest terrains in the world, and who has his companion been through these epic journeys? None other than his trusty guitar.

Now, Steve has brought together his two great loves, his two great talents, to present an album that is really one long hymn to the awesome power of the open road and the frontier spirit that lies within it.

But the album – appropriately entitled ‘From the Mountains to the Shore’ – has a much grander scope still. For contained in these ballads to the thrill of discovery, there is a deeper, more universal significance.

The joyous feeling of physical discovery is matched, in Steve’s wonderful, unique, moving music, by the emotional journeys he is etching with his songwriter’s quill. His journey is both internal and external, as that of all great poets should be. So while his songs are about mountains, valleys and the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, they are also about each and every one of us. They are about love and pain, joy and heartbreak, sorrow and triumph. Steve is following in the footsteps of Bob Dylan, Neil Young and John Denver, and even further back to the likes of Byron, Shelley and Rimbaud; all artists who took long journeys – internal and external – before they found their true voice.

Steve himself says his music, like his life, like all lives, is a work in progress. It is the same way that an explorer sees no start and no end to his travels. Well, it might be a work in progress but the nine lovingly crafted songs on ‘From the Mountains to the Shore’ are some of the best examples of what it really means to be an American singer-songwriter that you are ever going to hear. These are songs that are happy and sad, free and wild, light and heavy all at the same time. Steve Henry has climbed enough mountains to know that the first step is all important. Well, this record is one hell of a good first step.

“From the Mountains to the Shore’ is available to buy now on CDBaby.

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