Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thrillist suggests BookArmy for reading recommendations

Thrillist Nation


Being well-read may impress coworkers and make ladies swoon, but sorting through recommendations can be a crapshoot, whether it's your mom's club pushing the Vagina Monologues, or academia touting tomes by three sisters who didn't evenuse theirs... and we don't mean monologues. Find the right read via the anonymous safety of the web, with BookArmy.

A social network for readers of all interests, BA leverages the collective literary insight of its users to make personalized suggestions as to what books you might enjoy, under the noble premise that no one of us is dumber than all of us put together. To get going, rate stuff you've read from 1-5 stars, and BA's recommendation engine'll compare your list to those of other users with similar tastes, pulling reads they've rated highly that you haven't read yet; you can also simply peruse the week's highest rated works/authors, as well as most-read books, where the high placement of The Da Vinci Code will directly conflict with the theory that reading can make you smart.

Each work's own page features a brief overview and Amazon "Buy" link, and lets users leave detailed comments, give it a thumbs up/down, and suggest books that contain similar elements; authors also get their own pages, featuring full bibliographies plus links to similar wordsmiths -- in case you're into Harper Lee, who wrote the Great American Novel, then caught the Great American Lazy.

Interestingly, BA's also enticing authors to join up, allowing members to directly communicate with contemporary luminaries and get reading suggestions from writers themselves -- though if the Brontes were around to chat, they'd probably urge you to not repeat their mistakes, stop reading like a nerd, and go kicking some monologue.

Reading books makes you look smart, so be less stupid with help from


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