Why does a short week seem so long? Maybe because I was busy, but quiet....
Saturday I went to the annual 3rd of July concert in Sierra Madre. Aluminum Marshmallow & the Age of Aquarius Horns had the dance floor packed, especially with kids. This event is always a tad crazy because it's an evening when adults can kick back and rock out while the children run wild.
As my wont, I found a spot to spread out my tami mat to do some people watching. I spent about half the concert this way and then I just couldn't take it any more~ I had to go out and shake my groove thing! It was a great night, as the band sounded good, the crowd was friendly and it was an easy drive home.
Sunday I trundled out to Carin and Tom's in Bellflower. First we went to visit Carin's dad, "Obie." He was a hoot, as he teased Carin that I was his favorite! I think it was the cookies I brought him, the not overly sugar kind with the yummy splotch of icing and sprinkles on top.
Back at the house, Carin sorted through her box of fireworks, occasionally setting off a firecracker in response to the neighbors'. We relaxed in her Flamingo Lounge and Tiki Bar, outdoor patio, sipping various cocktails (tequila wine for me), smoking cigars and sharing stories of our wild pasts. We completed our afternoon with a barbecue and a swim in the pool.
As we swam, the popping of fireworks grew to an almost constant stream of noise and even before the sun went down, people were shooting colorful mortars in the sky. At dusk, we got out the pool, wrapped ourselves in our robes and dragged chairs to the front driveway. There, we had a great view of all the neighbors' various 4th celebratory sparks and enjoyed some of our own.
Tom was funny, as when we gave him a sparkler, he pretended to check the mailbox, using it as a flashlight. I kept it simple, writing my name, Happy 4th and other words as the sparkles fizzled out. When all was done it was back in the pool, followed by a soak in the hot tub.
Oh yeah, I slept well that night! And good thing too, as Monday my brother and I put an air conditioner in my mom's house. She's been quite resistant to the idea, but I've noticed that she has been using it this week.
I spent Tuesday and Wednesday back at Carin's housesitting while they took a little trip to Idyllwild. It was nice lounging in a Lazyboy, watching a big TV with two cats contentedly purring in my lap. The only tough part (aside from the few chores I had) was trying to do my exercises in the morning.
I would turn on the news in the living room and do my yoga, stretching, pushups, crunches, etc. All to the amusement of Tuffy the cat. He would sit by me, give a little meow or two and then stand up and begin jumping back and forth across my body as I worked out! I'm glad I could give him some entertainment for his day ha ha ha!
Wednesday I also caught the buffet at Maggie's in Santa Fe Springs with my friend Byron. I enjoyed a black and tan while nibbling on assorted cheeses, lasagna, baked potato scoops and other decad
ent delights. Byron stuck to his rootbeer and a nice spread from the buffet tables.

Last night we learned a few more steps in our hula and a variation on the Tahitian bora bora in our class. I really like the new hula, it's slow and you have to be very graceful, so it's a challenge. The bora bora is always fun, but it tires you out, as it gets faster and faster as the song goes on.
I don't have a huge weekend planned, just a lot of little possibilities. But that's fine, as my calendar is getting full. Monday I have dance practice for the Doo Dah event on July 17 (look for Doo Dah Photo and Memorabila Exhibit previously on my blog, plus I'll post info again next week). Tuesday I'm going to the Spirits with Spirits event in Hollywood to learn about the group for a story I'm working on. Wednesday I may be meeting a blues guitarist friend of mine for dinner .. and that's just the beginning of the week!!
In rotation this week: Lamb of God, Secondhand Serenade, Susie Garcia, Jewel and a Dr. Demento compilation.
Photos we got 'em: SGVN photographer Keith Birmingham shared some photos with me that he took at the 3rd of July event in Sierra Madre~ he even caught me taking in the grooves and the sunset! Also a couple of cute animal photos from the Web... I sooo love that little hedgehog, he's just way too perky cute!
Thought o' the week: Make the best of it. Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want and you have to change your plans. You can't always do what you want or be with who you want to spend your time because things get in the way. When you're faced with these little problems, you have two choices: pout and fuss or smile and enjoy.
If you know me, then you probably see me out on my own a lot. It's not that I'm anti-social, it's that I have a very busy group of friends, who work funky hours and have other social commitments, such as band performances and rehearsals or club events. Rather than hanging around the house whining how I have no one to go out with because everyone has something to do, I choose to get out and enjoy life and, strangely enough, I often run into someone I know and end up sharing the fun with them.

I believe life is too short to spend sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, instead you should take up as many opportunities as you can. I don't ever want to look back with regret that I didn't do something or missed a chance for the little joys in the world. Adventure awaits, if you're willing to be accept it.
Keep on rockin'
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