Friday, May 1, 2009

End o' week musings

I am sooo tired today... is it really only that early?? I got up with the sun and trundled off for Sarah's Summer Shape-Up (my new name for my physical therapy sessions). Wow! She worked me today and, yes, I'm limping a little now. Hopefully the Advil will kick in soon and I'll be good as new. Hey~ no pain, no gain!

Last weekend was pretty much a wash except for my dance practice. It probably was good for me to be quiet for a change any way. In fact this whole past week has been on the quiet side except for dancing and my usual workouts. hmmmm......

Tonight I am planning to go to No Future Cafe in Pasadena to check it out. They have three bands every night at this all-ages coffee house. What makes them different is that the bands aren't some whiney singer/songwriter collaborations, but rock and roll... The venue even has a metal night every so often! Now that's different and it's good too because kids who can't get in the bigger clubs deserve an opportunity to enjoy the music they like live.

When I was growing up I never got to see a rock show. However, my parents' friends would have jazz jam sessions at their house most weekends. There many greats, like drummer Ned Brundage and saxophonist Sammy Lee, would get together and do it Dixieland style. Sometimes I would join them providing vocals for a song or two.

Tomorrow I will be posing in my Doo Dah regalness for 32nd Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Queen Skittles, who is a photographer. She is gathering up portraits for an exhibit and graciously asked me to participate.

I pulled out my dress from the closet and it still looks pretty good, so I'm more than halfway there!

Monday I am planning to join movie critic Vernor Rodgers for a special "Star Trek" screening. I'm not a Trekkie nor a Trekker, but I do enjoy the films and have enjoyed the television show from time to time. It's going to be at the IMAX at Universal, so that should be pretty cool.

Wednesday I have a vacation day. I will be taking Carin and Tom their car (mine will be out of the shop for sure Monday- yay!) and then spending the day with them. We are going to go to the Santa Ana Zoo and the Habitat for Humanity Restore and later Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs. Busy and fun!

Next Friday will find me at the Key Club for Elliot Easton's Tiki Gods. Hope I can resist the urge to shimmy...

In rotation this week: Not having a CD player at the ready has crimped my style, so just The 88, Orange Sky, Carbon 9 and Janis Joplin.

Photos we got 'em: Just a few cute shots from my favorite spots on the Web ( and and a wet cat photo a friend sent me. The kitty reminds me a lot of the creatures in "Gremlins"-- maybe they should avoid feeding him after midnight too...

Though o' the week: No pain, no gain. That sums it up well. Sometimes you have to suffer to get ahead. It can be physical, as with my knee or emotional, such as giving up some of what you want for the greater good of a relationship. People are sooo busy these days, so you may not get to spend as much time with them as you like and in some cases this can be very disheartening. You have to realize that this doesn't mean you aren't important or the relationship doesn't matter, it's just that this is the way it is.

People have things that play an important role in their lives that they have been involved with long before you came along, so you can't expect them to drop them. What you can do, however, is nicely remind them of how much you value having them in your life and how you wish you could find more time for each other. You should also make the best of things when you are together and not harp on the lack of time, etc.... And don't sit home waiting for the phone to ring because you'll be missing a lot of good living if you do...

Keep on rockin',

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