Friday, May 8, 2009

End o' week musings

It's finally Friday!! I am sooo glad this week is over. It was fun and busy, but I have so much to do this weekend that I just want to get it going.

Last Friday I went to No Future Cafe, an all ages venue in Pasadena. I was impressed by the sound - the bands were good too, as well as the staff, the refreshments and the ambience. Not a bad place to spend an evening, especially if you're a teen. It was safe and clean, but other than keeping an eye out for trouble, the staff lets the kids mingle and enjoy their night out. It's a good thing and a great place.

Saturday I had a photo shoot with Doo Dah Queen Skittles, Princess Valerie and the Royal Pup Atticus. More on that later today at

Monday I had the opportunity to attend a media preview screening of the new "Star Trek" film. It was at the AMC at Universal City/Walk, an IMAX theatre with a gorgeous big screen and surround sound. I'm not a Trekkie nor a Trekker, but I have enjoyed some of the previous "Star Trek" films and the old, original show on occasion. This film, though, is suitable for anyone who likes action, sci-fi or otherwise and you don't even need to know anything about "Star Trek" to follow it.

"Star Trek" is definitely one of the best films I've seen this year. For the unfamiliar, it goes back to the beginning of how the crew of the Enterprise came to be. The actors follow in the path of their previous incarnations of the roles, yet still make the roles their own-- a tough task for sure. The costumes are wonderful, capturing the past with just enough future. The sets and special effects are better than cuddling a tribble and the dialog is good with just a few of the cliche character lines sprinkled in to add to the fun.

It seems like the actors are enjoying working on this film and it ends at just the right point, where it's not overwhelming or dragged out and it leaves you wanting more.

Wednesday I took a vacation day from work. I took Carin and Tom's car back to them, as mine was finally ready. We went to the Santa Ana Zoo... do you like monkeys?? If you do, this is the place for you! I saw so many wonderful monkeys, some I would even have liked to bring home, plus a bald eagle and scarlett ibis. Nice little place for an afternoon excursion. Later we relaxed in the back yard watching TV, smoking cigars and sipping on martinis. Tom and I talked music, while Carin scolded us to pay attention to Dr. Phil.

Later we went to Maggie's Pub in Santa Fe Springs for its free buffet. I sipped a black and tan, while my favorite duo took on their usual poisons. It was a very nice day.

Last night I had dance practice. Our number is coming along and now we just need to tighten it up. We could preform it right now if we had too, but it would be better with a few more practices under our hip belts.

Tonight I will be going to the Key Club to see Elliott Easton's Tiki Gods. I'm really looking forward to the show-- Polynesian surf rock... the perfect kickoff to the weekend.

Saturday I am going to take mom out somewhere for the day. We were going to go to the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, but the blooms are way down now, so I'll have to find something else to do. Sunday, I am going to cook her dinner from a recipe by my special guy. I wish I could get him to come over and cook it for us, but he's busy with a golf tournament and his own mother... And why two days of fuss over my mom? Her birthday is Sunday too and my brother decided to pick this weekend to go on a trip to San Diego with his family so she feels a little deserted.

In rotation this week: Janis Joplin, Joe Walla, The 88 and Carbon 9.

Photos we got 'em: Just a couple of cute pet photos that came my way and an awesome shot from NASA~ smile!

Thought o' the week: Let it go. I had a disagreement with a friend this week, who accused me of something in which I had no part. It took some convincing, but finally she came around and realized that I was not involved and she was wrong, but she was still steamed at me. I let some time go by and she finally came back around and talked to me as if nothing happened. No "I'm sorry," but that's OK with me, I can forgive and forget....

This is a good lesson that can easily extend into other parts of my life and perhaps you can use it in yours. Sometimes it is better not to make a fuss and to just.... let it go.

Keep on rockin'

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