Friday, May 15, 2009

End o' week musings

Ever had one of those weeks that felt as if you were slogging through an endless swamp?? Yeah, well, then you know. It was a long one for some reason, but not because of lack of things to do.

I left you off last week as I headed out to the Key Club in Hollyweird to catch Elliot Easton's Tiki Gods. The show was held in the VIP lounge and I managed to snag a spot on the couch closest to the stage. The band seemed to really be enjoying themselves, which transferred to the audience, who couldn't help but have a good time. It was all surf rock, with themes from popular television shows and films, as well as songs like "The Lonely Surfer" and "Music to Watch Girls By." I had a great time and would definitely catch these boyz again.

Saturday it was going to be hot and the blooms at the Flower Fields were way down so mom didn't want to go. Instead I took her out for breakfast, then to Rainbow Nursery in Glendora, where I bought her some plants. After dropping the plants back home, we hit the grocery store and then finally back home again.

On Sunday it was my mother's birthday so I took her on some errands here and there and then cooked her dinner. I made a pasta recipe that my special guy gave me, although I added a few things... It had chicken, tomatoes, onion, garlic, spinach, mushrooms, olives and fresh basil-- yummy!

Tuesday was super cool, as I met collage painting artist Kathi Oshima at the Gallery at the End of the World in Altadena for an interview. Her work is beautiful-- it has lots of layers, yet rather than being busy, it's peaceful.

Next I headed over to the Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens in San Marino to meet with the curators of the upcoming Samuel Johnson exhibit. If you recall your history and literature, you will remember Johnson as one of the foremost writers, philosphers, conversationalists and all-around smart guys of the 1700s. He also compiled the first English dictionary with quotes to exemplify many of the entries drawn from his own wide reading.

The curators took me to where the exhibit objects were being prepared for the show and I got to see an original edition of Johnson's dictionary. Leaning over it, I breathed deep, inhaling that old book smell that us avid readers love so much. The pages were thick and the type was as the style of that day, yet not hard to read. Amazing!

I also got to read a letter that Johnson wrote to his friend who lost a son at sea. It was very compassionate and very sad. Wow! History right in my hands.... The curators showed me some paintings, prints and other items before bidding me adieu. It looks like it will be a good exhibit. Watch for my story next week at

Tuesday evening I ambled out to Hollyweird to meet Jay Warner, author of "Notable Moments of Women in Music." We chatted for almost two hours about all kinds of things, from the differences between New York and L.A. to our approaches to writing. He is a very interesting man and seems to know almost everyone in the music industry.

Wednesday the claims adjuster from my insurance company came to look at my still-not-right car. He took photos and reviewed all the problems with me. He told me he was going to visit with my mechanic on the way to his next appointment to discuss the problems and get his opinion. It was a good thing because my mechanic was able to explain why I should be reimbursed for the work he did (after the body shop) and what should be done to get my car back how it was. I will be taking it back to the body shop in a couple of weeks so they have an opportunity to set things right. Why do these things always have to be a hassle? Gee whiz! Such is life...

I had dance practice last night and tonight I am going to the Coffee Gallery Backstage in Altadena to see Pirates of the Black Swan. I am looking forward to the show, as I've heard good things about this group. The rest of my weekend will include the Arboretum with my mom and the Renaissance Faire (Sunday) with some of my friends. Hey, if you're at the Faire and you spot me, don't be afraid to say hello...

Next week includes interviews with Julia Duffy, who will be in "Little Foxes" at Pasadena Playhouse, Nigel Rojas of Orange Sky (one of my favorite bands) and Tom Peak, son of Bob Peak, a Hollywood movie poster artist whose work will be on display at Gallery Nucleus in Alhambra. I will also get a preview tour of the Virginia Steele Scott Gallery reopening soon at the Huntington.

I hate my job... It's so awful to be forced to listen to good music and look at beautiful art... ha ha ha!!!

Oooo and one final happy note. I will only be going to physical therapy for my knee one more time, as it seems to be responding well. Yay!

In rotation this week: Janis Joplin, Carbon 9, Orange Sky and The 88.

Photos we got 'em: Just my usual assortment of animals pics that I found amusing- enjoy!

Thought o' the week: Don't give up. I'll be honest, even I have days that I just feel cruddy and would much rather curl up in my bed and hide from the world than do what I must. But then, I take a deep breath and carry on. Yesterday was a good example. I woke up feeling physically tired, not sleepy, instead that worn-out, did-too-much, body-feels-overwhelmed kind of tired. Still, I did my morning workout, made it through my work day and then walked and went to dance practice in the evening. Today I feel much better despite my physical therapy, which always tires me out.

You don't gain anything by hiding out or giving up because something is too tough or you just don't feel like it. Life is short, it's also out there waiting for you. Make the most of every day. Push on and tomorrow everything will be new and shiny~ even your attitude if you set your mind to it.

Keep on rockin'

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