Friday, February 5, 2010

HB3 to perform in Altadena March 5

Art Bender Weekend
is coming to the
Gallery at the End of the World
in Altadena

March 5 is First Friday Art Night
the event from 7 p.m.-1 a.m.
highlights the group art exhibit with live entertainment, including
music by HB3,
a performance by swordstress dancer Nocturra and
her intriguingly talentd drummer Ric Sarabia,
plus a deejay, refreshments and more.

Admission $5.

More on HB3:

The new album is titled "Studies for Traps & Piccolo." It's subtitled "Punk/Jazz/Sci-fi Instrumentals." The whole thing is performed on drums and piccolo bass. Please note that the name of the band is HB3, not The Veldt -- that's just that album title. A few people have thought that, probably because the back cover to that particular CD can be misleading. There's already a band called The Veldt, or there was -- I don't think they exist anymore.

The band website is

The myspace page is

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