Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Swirl launches song contest

SWIRL is back!! Oh the contest? It`s simple really. 5 song samples have been posted at the top on our FB music page...check them out (lyrics are provided) and post a comment to let us know which one you want to hear the full version of first. Which one trips your trigger?
Vote and have your friends vote too. Promote the shit out of the new tunes and we will post the winning track Friday April 5 (two weeks before the Skid Row show in Corona, CA).

(You don`t have to be a member of Facebook to listen to the samples. If you want to respond via email here that is fine. We just want your opinion.)

Here`s the link-

"...they combine the best of the past 20 years of American Rock/Hardrock"

Swirl EPK
Swirl Face Book
Swirl My Space

iTunes...iTunes...iTunes...Swirl 'Timeline'

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