Pasadena Museum of History wants to spotlight your special wedding memories – and share them with the public!
In partnership with, PMH invites you to help us create a virtual exhibition that celebrates our community’s rich wedding history. Your memories and the images/videos illustrating them will be featured this summer in a special section of the local online newsmagazine.
This virtual “gallery” is a companion piece to the Museum’s current two-part exhibition, I Do! I Do! Pasadena Ties the Knot, whichspotlights the wedding dress as an icon of social customs through the decades. Part I, 1850 to 1950 – on view through July 14 --showcases forty-two vintage wedding gowns from the PMH collection, along with historical narratives that tell the tale of a changing society as illustrated by this singular fashion item. Part II, on view August 10 through October 20, presents gowns on loan from local residents, bridal shops, and designers that define a specific style and together create a chronology of bridal fashion decade by decade from 1950 to today.
Share Your Stories!
We need your help to make this virtual exhibition come to life. For the next few months, we will be collecting stories, images, and short videos to feature on Please consider sharing one special memory from your own personal experience. Together, these memories and the images that accompany them will provide a representation of our common participation in an age-old ritual of uniting to celebrate love, family, partnership, and community.
The “one special memory” may be from your own wedding, from one that you attended as a friend or family member, or a story handed down through your family history. We are particularly interested in collecting memories that include a connection to the Pasadena community, but this is not a requirement. For a list of questions and topics to help you get started, please visit the PMH website at
Submission Guidelines
· Memories should be 50-500 words in length and may be written in the body of the email or submitted as an attached document (such as a Word file).
· We encourage you to include images or a short video file to illustrate your written memory. All images should be digital JPEG files attached to the email. Video clips should be under 2 minutes long and also attached to the email submission.
· Include your name and phone number, the bride & groom names, date & location of wedding, and your connection to Pasadena (if any).
· The use of profanity and/or inappropriate images will disqualify your entry. Curators of this virtual exhibit reserve the right to edit all submissions. Due to the large volume of entries, we may not be able to post all entries. Thank you for your understanding.