This week went fast, but that might be because I'm excited about the weekend... But I digress...
Sunday I performed with Ad Hoc Consort at the Phillips Mansion in Pomona as part of a benefit for the Pomona Historical Society. The organization is working to refurbish the residence which was built in 1875, plus some other structures that share the property.
We played our music sitting under the trees, as a cool breeze eased away the day's heat. Our "payment" was a tour of the mansion- which was quite interesting - and a bowl of ice cream. I danced a little bit with one sword and it felt good to be moving!
On Wednesday, Daryl, my friend who runs the children's band program House of Rock at the Fret House, called me late in the day inviting me to go see Roy Z & Friends at the House of Blues in Hollyweird. The show was late, so at first I declined and then I thought, when will I have this opportunity again? I called Daryl back and we were ready for a night of fun.
My neighbors (if they noticed me) must have thought I was nuts leaving the house at 10 p.m. in my rockin' attire, but then again, it's not that unusual for me... Still we went to the show and I was thrilled with my decision, as it was terrific. Roy had different musicians sit in with him on various songs, mostly rock-oriented with a Latin beat, including Chas, the lead singer from Tribe of Gypsies. I love TOG and use their music for some of my dancing, so it was more than awesome to hear some of the songs live!!
The bulk of my week was filled with interviews- the Sin Twins, Louis Prima Jr., Incendio, California Sun and more.
If you've perused the post below this, you will know what I'm off to do this weekend. I'll be at AM2, an anime, manga and music convention at theAnaheim Convention Center tomorrow through Sunday. Admission is free, but there are fees for some activities. There are also passports available that feature preferred seating at concerts and screenings, discounts on food and fun and more.
If you want to catch me, I'll be hanging out with the Rum Party Pirates tomorrow beginning at 3:30 p.m. They're going to have a belly dance contest in the evening and I'll be there to do a demo and to help the contestants. My big show is 12:15 p.m. Sunday on the stage in the middle of the summer festival. My musicians friends and I have a 30 minute set and I'll be bringing out the swords and more, plus I plan to do my Chinese sleeve dance. To find me, look in the schedule for Nocturra & Friends. For more info, visit
In rotation this week: Peppino D'Augustino and a special CD created by Bob Davis (music and train expert and Old Curiosity Shop columnist at ), it has a diverse selection of music, as well as a few Evie Sands' tunes and I'm really enjoying it- great driving songs!

Photos we got 'em: Just a few cute pet pics from the Web.
Thought o' the Week: Safe, but fun. Having a good time doesn't always have to include something daring. Perhaps I'm not the best person to advocate this, afterall I have swum with sharks, rode motorcycles and piloted planes, but... With the 4th of July on the way, I can't help but think of all the tragedies that happen this time of year that could have been avoided.

I'll remind you to keep an eye on any kids around your barbecue and when you bring out the sparklers. Also, keep the matches or lighter safe from little ones. The same goes for any of your friends who have had too much to drink, it's not funny when they hurt themselves because they don't know what they're doing. Oh, and take away their car keys too, we don't need that out on the road.
On a lighter note, even if your 4th plans don't include a barbecue and fireworks, get outside for a little while- go for a walk or just sit under a tree and sip some lemonade. Quiet fun is good too.
And of course, don't forget the reason for the celebration~ America and all the good things our country stands for, starting with freedom and going all the way to , well, that glass of lemonade. Kinda makes you feel melty inside, doesn't it? Happy Fourth of July! Be safe, have fun and
Keep on rockin'