I would like to wish all of you a very happy New Year!
May the coming year be filled with
happiness, success, good health, kindness, luck, music and love!!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Rose Parade online tomorrow
Watch the Rose Parade anywhere tomorrow Jan. 1 streaming online at
Video starting at 6 a.m. checking out the float lineup, chatting with stars and designers and all things leading up to the parade.
Also online, see videos from Equisfest, featuring performances from the equestrian groups in the parade, visits to the float building venues and more.
Video starting at 6 a.m. checking out the float lineup, chatting with stars and designers and all things leading up to the parade.
Also online, see videos from Equisfest, featuring performances from the equestrian groups in the parade, visits to the float building venues and more.
Video streaming by Ustream
Doo Dah Queen and Rose Princess live chat Dec. 31
Ever wondered what it's like to be a part of Rose Parade royalty?
Listen in and even join in the conversation when I chat online live with
2007 Princess Danielle Vine
1:30 today, Dec. 31
What makes this event all the more intriguing is that it's truly history~ as you recall I was the
2007-2008 Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Queen!
Listen in and even join in the conversation when I chat online live with
2007 Princess Danielle Vine
1:30 today, Dec. 31
What makes this event all the more intriguing is that it's truly history~ as you recall I was the
2007-2008 Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Queen!
Pasadena vistor hotline now open
The telephones quickly began ringing off the hook Friday, Dec. 28, moments after the 2013 Rose Parade Queen and Court officially cut the ribbon to open the toll-free Visitor Hotline for the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game operated by the Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau. The toll-free Hotline number is (877) 793-9911.
The Toll-Free Visitor Hotline at (877) 793-9911 will be staffed as follows:
- Monday, Dec. 31, from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, Jan. 1, from, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, Jan. 2, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The hotline supports the 124th Rose Parade and the 99th Rose Bowl Game by answering thousands of calls from people with last-minutes questions who plan to visit Pasadena for the internationally acclaimed events. This is the 29th year that the Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau,www.visitpasadena.com, has provided this free hotline service.
In keeping with tradition, the Rose Parade Queen and Court officially opened the Hotline with a special ribbon cutting and then spent about an hour answering phone calls.
Again, the public hotline number is (877) 793-9911.
For Rose Parade information online go to: http://www.tournamentofroses.com/
For Rose Bowl Stadium ("America's Stadium") information online go to: http://www.rosebowlstadium.com/
For the Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau online go to:http://www.visitpasadena.com/
For City of Pasadena information online go to: www.cityofpasadena.net
The City of Pasadena wishes all to have a happy and prosperous 2013. Please celebrate responsibly and ALWAYS designate a driver.
Happy New Year!
Go Green! at Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game
Parade attendees and football fans are being asked to “Go Green” and join the massive recycling effort by Pasadena’s Department of Public Works during the 124th Rose Parade and 99th Rose Bowl Game on Jan. 1, 2013.
The City hopes to recycle at least 50 percent of all waste generated during these internationally acclaimed New Year’s festivities—that’s about 36 tons, enough to completely fill five commercial buses. During the 2012 Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game, an amazing 72 tons of waste were collected, with about 25 tons recycled. The public is being asked to help reach the new goal by correctly using specially marked recycling bins.
“Working together, we can all help the environment,” said Andy Torres, Public Works Street Maintenance and Integrated Waste Management Administrator.
The Pasadena Department of Public Works is working in collaboration with the Rose Bowl Operating Company, the Tournament of Roses, the LA Conservation Corps and the public to maximize recycling during the Rose Parade, Rose Bowl Game and other game-day special events to minimize waste going to the landfill.
In 2012, about 54 tons of waste was collected from parade route areas and another 18 tons of waste from the Rose Bowl Stadium. Public Works’ officials expect to collect at least that much in 2013 too.
Rose Bowl Game attendees are being encouraged to correctly place bottles and cans in any of the 500 recycling bins placed inside and outside America’s Stadium. Special signage announcing, “Recycling is Part of the Game” will be placed in key locations to remind attendees to help do their part. Special recycling bins also will be available in the post-Parade viewing areas.
After the parade, waste collected from the parade route will be processed at a Material Recovery Facility where recyclable will be sorted out of the waste. Also, after the game, a stadium sweep will be coordinated to collect recyclables from seating areas. The LA Conservation Corps will collect recyclables from the stadium’s rows and aisles.
Another important part of recycling is to collect all of the unconsumed foods and flower arrangements from the special event tents, press boxes and media center. The items will be donated to local shelters.
For more information about the City’s recycling activities, go online to www.cityofpasadena.net or call Department of Public Works Customer Service at (626) 744-4087. Toll-free Visitor Hotline number for Rose Parade and Rose Bowl information is (877) 793-9911.
Go online to the following sites for additional information, including:
- Rose Parade: www.tournamentofroses.com
- Rose Bowl Stadium ("America's Stadium"): www.rosebowlstadium.com
- Pasadena Convention and Visitors Bureau :www.visitpasadena.com
- City of Pasadena: www.cityofpasadena.net; and public access maps for events at: http://cityofpasadena.net/
The City of Pasadena wishes all to have a happy and prosperous 2013. Please celebrate responsibly and ALWAYS designate a driver.
redwhite+bluezz offer New Year's events
redwhite+bluezz, the city's premiere destination for cutting edge Americana cuisine, is starting off 2013
with an unforgettable celebration, complete with live jazz, champagne and party favors and ending with a spectacular New Year's Day brunch.
There are two shows on New Year's Eve featuring the incomparable Louis Van Taylor Trio. The evenings menu, prepared by Chef Lindsey Peeples,
includes inspired fresh fare from a Prex Fixe menu or, during the early seatings, some of the most popular selection from the redwhite+bluezz
menu. The first seatings begin at 6:00pm with the late night seating beginning at 9:00pm.
redwhite+bluezz Celebration Prix Fixe Dinner features such specialty entreés as Lamb Lollipops, Pan Seared Scallops and Filet Mignon, plus the
option to add a butter poached lobster tail. Three carefully selected wine-pairings are available to compliment the dishes.
The festivities continue on New Year's Day with a redwhite+bluezz Rose Parade gourmet brunch prepared by Chef Alfonso Galan. The brunch,
which boasts favorites including French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Steak and a Vegetable Fritatta, also offers specialty cocktails, such as
Spicy Bloody Marys and Strawberry Jalapeno Margaritas for your post Rose Parade viewing pleasure. Brunch is served from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Known for its elegant yet casual fun atmosphere, redwhite+bluezz also present live jazz seven nights a week. Two Pasadena jazz legends have
weekly spots on redwhite+bluezz' artist roster--Paul Lines performs every Tuesday at 6:30pm, while Brother Yusef plays Brunch & All That Jazz on Sundays from 10:45am-2:45pm.
Winner of numerous media awards for food, wine and music, redwhite+bluezz is located in the heart of Old Pasadena at 70 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91105.
Friends of Sierra Madre Library Wine Yasting Feb. 17
Tickets are now on sale for the 43rd annual Friends of the Sierra Madre Library Wine Tasting. Held on Sunday, February 17, from 2:00-5:00PM at Alverno Villa, 675 West Highland Avenue, Sierra Madre, the event will feature more than two dozen vintners showcasing their best wines and some of the Pasadena area’s finest restaurants serving delectable hors d’oeuvres. Enjoy live music as you stroll about the lovely grounds of Alverno sampling the superb wines and appetizers. A silent auction will again be offering lovely artwork, services, tickets to special events, restaurant vouchers, and many other tempting items.
Tickets to the Wine Tasting are $60 and can be purchased at the Sierra Madre Library, 440 West Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA (telephone 626 355-7186) as well as at these Sierra Madre businesses: The Bottle Shop, Savor the Flavor, and Arnold’s Frontier Hardware. Also available at $5 are tickets for an opportunity drawing. The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library is a non-profit organization and all proceeds benefit the Sierra Madre Library. For more information, visit our website at www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org .
BYOB returns to San Dimas Jan. 12
Hey y'all, I just wanted to get the word out to those of you who may not live and breathe Facebook that my band Bring Your Own Blues will be playing at Clayton Brewing Company in San Dimas on Saturday, 1/12/13 from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.
Clayton's is located just east of the 210 Fwy at 661 W. Arrow Hwy next to Boot Barn and across from Zendajas Mexocan Restuarant.
I hope to see many friends, hams(you know who your are), music store comrades and anyone else come out and visit with us a bit.
This venue has no cover charge and plenty of free parking. So, if you're in the vicinity on 1/12/13 drop in and give us a listen.
For more info visit our BYOB event page on FB at http://www.facebook.com/bringyourownblues .
Shimmy Showcase in Long Beach Jan. 6
January 6, 2013 – SHIMMYSHOWCASE begins the new year with a trip to the Circus featuring special guestsMeredith Marie and Beach Bellies. You won’t want to miss this spectacular program of bearded ladies, sword swallowers, animals and magicians from the amazing and creative “Cirque du Belly” program originally performed at CSULB last October. Everyone loves a circus, and Xandra hopes you’ll come to Viento y Agua on this night to help her celebrate her birthday with the stupendously talented Beach Bellies of Long Beach!
Due to Viento y Agua ownership request, Shimmyshowcase will take place only one Sunday per month following our already scheduled performances on January 6, 13, and 20.
As a result of this change, we will be modifying our program format to accommodate more dancers per program and reduce costume changes.
Given the popularity and uniqueness of Shimmyshowcase theme nights, we plan to have a theme for every monthly Shimmyshowcase beginning with in February. To help you in planning your schedule, a TENTATIVE list of Shimmyshowcase programs from February through the end of 2013 is provided below.
DANCERS –please note that sign-ups for performance spots will not be accepted until one month before a scheduled showcase, due to the possibility of changes to scheduled dates. We are providing the long range schedule to assist other bellydance showcase administrators in planning dates for their events.
We also encourage all Shimmyshowcase performers and fans to provide feedback! We’re specifically interested in hearing from you as to what you did/didn’t like about past Shimmyshowcases and the Viento y Agua venue, as well as your thoughts about our new, reduced schedule and any recommendations you want to offer. Rather than reply to this message, we ask you to please submit your comments to the Shimmyshowcase blog or Facebook site. (Read on down this message for URLs).
TENTATIVE Shimmyshowcase schedule for rest of 2013:
January 13 – Amber returns to coordinate another Shimmyshowcase and welcomes Dalilah, Aleksia, Erica,and Tribal Revival! We know you will not want to miss these fabulous performers go through their moves, so be sure to mark your calendars and join us at Viento y Agua Coffee house.
January 20 – Your Shimmyshowcase coordinator for this evening is Ilana, and she is cooking up a special Shimmyshowcase for you because she will be taking a short leave of absence from us to prepare to become a mother again! Please join us for a great evening of bellydancing with this amazing mom.
February 24– Theme: “Love” (Draca/ Saviya coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin January 24
March 24– 10th ANNIVERSARY! Theme: “A Night at the Oscars” (special program arranged by Shimmyshowcase coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin February 24
April 21– Theme: “Reggae” (Amber Ray/ Draca coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin March 21
May 5– Theme: “Cinco de Mayo” (Abraiha/ Xandra coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin April 5
June 23 – Theme: “Steamy Cameos/Victorian Steampunk” (Saviya/ Draca coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin May 23
July 21– Theme: “White Hot Bling” (Abraiha/ Xandra coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin June 21
August 18– Theme: To Be Determined (Amber/ Ilana coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin July 18
September 15 – Theme: “Goth” (Draca-/Saviya coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin August 15
October 27 – Theme “Shivershowcase” (Ilana/ Amber coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin September 27
November 17– Theme “Harvest Festival” (Abraiha/Xandra coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin October 17
December 15– Winter Holiday theme (Saviya/ Draca coordinators) ~ Dancer sign-ups begin November 15
Midnight Mojo in Arcadia Jan. 11
All the Blues You Can Use to Start the New Year Right
Friday, Jan 11, 2013
Midnight Mojo at the
Arcadia Blues Club
16 E. Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA 91006
8:00 PM to Midnight
$5 in advance www.arcadiabluesclub.com
$10 at the door
One of SoCal's TOP blues clubs. Good food till Midnight. Full bar. All Ages welcome!
The Bobby Bluehouse Band opens the show at 8PM. We go on at 9PM
Upcoming shows
Sat, January 26, 2013 - Irish Times
Sat, February 23, 2013 - Irish Times
Beso.com giving away Lady Gaga tickets
Beso.com, a leading online destination for shopping and style inspiration, based in
Los Angeles, CA, is excited to announce a special promotion to kick off 2013!
Beginning 1/2/13, Beso.com will be giving away 5 pairs of premium Lady Gaga tickets
for upcoming dates on her Born This Way Ball tour. The venues and cities for this
giveaway include:
- January 21 – Los Angeles, CA w/ Madeon, Lady Starlight @ Staples Center
- February 14 – Chicago, IL w/ Madeon, Lady Starlight @ United Center
- February 27 – Boston, MA w/ Zedd, Lady Starlight @ TD Garden
- March 7 – Brooklyn, NY w/ Zedd, Lady Starlight @ Barclays Center
- March 11 – Atlanta, GA w/ Zedd, Lady Starlight @ Philips Arena
To enter, Gaga fans are prompted to share why they want to go to the show, who
they would take with them, and their favorite Lady Gaga style moment.
In addition to these tickets, valued at $1000/pair, Beso.com is donating to charities
in each of the cities. Facebook status updates will be posted for fans to share on
their own timelines. For every share of these updates, Beso will be donating a dollar
(up to $1000) to the charities.
Contest details and how to enter:
Official rules:
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