It's hard to concentrate today because I'm on Doo Dah countdown, but here goes....

Last Saturday we completed the last of the big tasks on creating Queen of Arts, the outgoing queen's float at McGinty's Gallery at the End of the World. A core of workers came out to help with the heavy work and some delicate painting too. I would like to thank Ben McGinty, Dave Lovejoy, Ngene Mwaura, Johnny Fox, Julie Klima, Eve Kessler, Mona the Black Widow Spider Lady and HRH Price Andrew for their time, talent and patience. Tomorrow, we celebrate!
In the evening I went to my friend Louise's house for a little pizza and chili get-together. We played the Ungame, answered trivia questions and had fun. I won a plastic tiki cup for my Jeopardy!-like knowledge lol!
My favorite part of the soiree was my masseuse friend describing a session with one of his harder-to-please clients. He said that she got up on the massage table, eagle spread her arms and legs and said, "You need to heal my mind, body and spirit." He responded, "OK, but we've only got an hour." I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!
On Monday I went to Whittier to interview the metal band Throttle. Nice guys and very professional... their music is really good too. Watch for a story soon. They gig in Hollyweird, as well as Covina and Whittier.
Tuesday I would like to forget. I spent the morning in the dentist's chair having a filling redone on one of my furthest back top teeth. It took two rounds of shots to numb the area enough so I couldn't feel it, but I sure knew when the drill was going-- something like hours!! OK, it was really just over an hour for the total procedure, but it was so rough that my sweet dentist let me take two breaks... My mouth is still a bit sore.
Later in the day, I went to William Hallstrom's home to learn about knives. No, we weren't throwing them (for a change), we were cooking. I learned how to buy a knife and how to use one better for slicing, dicing and all that good prep stuff. Most exciting, I finally found out that the little curved mystery blade in my collection is a boning knife and William showed me how to use it correctly-- I am no longe
r intimidated by preparing chicken.

After we cut up all kinds of veggies for salad and stir-fry, we ate. Yummy! I got William to share his salad recipe for my story too, so you'll want to watch for that.
Today is a short day for me at work because I'm going to Mother Plucker Feather Company in Los Angeles to pick up my dress for the 33rd Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade tomorrow. I am excited and nervous. It may be too beautiful to wear!! But you know I will, as I love a parade, especially one that helps others.
The Doo Dah Parade benefits the Light Bringer Project which provides art and art education for children and the mentally ill. More reason for you to come out. It steps off at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow in East Pasadena. Read further on my blog for info or visit or

After the parade tomorrow I will go to the American Legion for the party, then to the gallery for the float viewing. There's also a photo exhibit in the alley next to the gallery 5-10 p.m. To see both go to 2475 N. Lake Ave., Altadena. For more GATOW info visit
Sunday I plan to sleep and laze because next week my calendar is full of more adventure!
In rotation this week: The Randies, Joe Walla, Ken Waldman and other bits and pieces.
Photos we got 'em: Just a few pet pics from the usual places- enjoy!
Thought o' the week: Feel proud. Yeah, it might be a vice, but I'm proud of the Queen of Arts. I worked hard on the design and creation of the float and it came out great.
I owe a lot to the mentoring of Dave Lovejoy ( ), who also put in many hours and lots of talent to bringing my dream to fruition. I learned so much from him about using tools and unlikely materials, as well as color, composition and other art fundamentals.
I also owe the people I thanked above, as well as
some not mentioned. Support on the project has been just as important as muscle.

Work hard and you will be rewarded. The pride in a job well done is not a sin, it's deserved. And don't forget all the people who helped you make it happen. And share the joy!
Keep on rockin'