Friday, August 13, 2010

Pasadena Showcase House of the Arts grant applications available

Every spring, since 1965, tens of thousands of Southern Californians have visited the Pasadena Showcase House of Design, one of the oldest, largest and most successful house and garden tours in the nation. But there is a purpose behind the month- long event that extends far beyond its exquisitely decorated rooms and extraordinary gardens: to raise monies to support musically oriented programs presented by arts organizations throughout Los Angeles County. Applications for the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts 2011 Gifts and Grants are now available.

“Programs we fund include symphonic music, youth music education and music therapy,” explains Lynn Mehl, this year’s Gifts and Grants chairman. “Organizations we have supported in the past range from the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Los Angeles Opera to local schools, libraries and youth orchestras,”

To receive a grant application package, call 626.578.8500, email or mail a request to the attention of Grants Chairman, Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts (PSHA), at P.O. Box 80262; San Marino, CA. 91118. The 2011 application deadline is October 8, 2010.

Since its founding in 1948, the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts has donated over $17 million to the musical arts. “Through our Gifts and Grants program, Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts is privileged to support a wide range of music programs in Los Angeles County,” adds Mehl. “ Forty- two recipients received grants totaling over $500,000.00 this past year.”
The Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts accepts applications only from organizations classified as tax exempt under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code as well as local schools and charitable organizations. Programs must be administered and conducted in Los Angeles County.

In addition to its Gifts and Grants program, PSHA supports three programs of its own: the Pasadena Showcase House Music MobileTM program for 3rd grade students throughout the San Gabriel Valley, the Pasadena Showcase House Youth Concert for 4th graders throughout Southern California and the Pasadena Showcase House Instrumental Competition for talented high school and college students hoping to embark upon a professional career in music.
The 2011 Pasadena Showcase House of Design will take place April 17 through May 15, 2011, with tickets becoming available in February 2011. For more information about the Pasadena Showcase House of Design, visit or its facebook page at

ABOUT THE PASADENA SHOWCASE HOUSE FOR THE ARTS: An all- volunteer organization, Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts (PSHA) is a non-profit California Corporation whose members donate their time and talents to produce the annual Pasadena Showcase House of Design. Founded in 1948, and formerly known as The Pasadena Junior Philharmonic Committee, PSHA adopted the Pasadena Showcase House of Design as its annual benefit in 1965. It is one of the oldest, largest and most successful house and garden tours in the nation.

PSHA volunteers are united by their belief in the power and beauty of music. Their collective desire is to fund programs that nurture the study and appreciation of music, utilize music as a vehicle towards health and healing, and ensure that music is available to a broad range of audiences.

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