Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tomatomania fun

Eat enough tomatoes yet?

I hope it's been a great season so far, wherever you're growing the world's favorite summer treat.(Send us pics and updates at tomatomaniahq@aol.com!)

To celebrate the harvest as we do each year, we'll our Hollywood tasting and then a new event in Culver City this month. If you're following us on Facebook or watching our website you know the dates but here's the rest of the story...Join us!

On Saturday, August 7th it's our annual share and share alike tasting at Hollywood's Loteria Grill (Loteriagrill.com, 6627 Hollywood Blvd.) Meet fellow 'maniacs to taste the fruits of our labors and enjoy some culinary hints and creations from Jimmy Shaw, one of LA's most engaging chefs.
Admission is one perfectly ripe (correctly labeled) homegrown tomato! (But bring all you like and show off your favorites!) Meet us there at 10:00am.

On August 14th we chart new territory at LA's favorite chef and foodie hang out, Surfas in Culver City (SurfasLosAngeles.com, 8777 Washington Blvd, Culver City).

Walk through our first cherry tomato taste trial from 10am-11am, where you can taste and vote for your favorite cherry tomato as you explore Surfas' wonderful supply of kitchen offerings.
Grab a tasty lunch in Café Surfas and then join us for a presentation at 12:00 Topic: What to do with too many cherry tomatoes!?!?! Only 40 seats available so make a reservation by calling Surfas at (310) 559-4770! Admission price is $15.

*If you're growing way too many cherry tomatoes and are willing to share, bring them over to Surfas at 9:30. Our goal is to display and taste over 25 varieties!

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