Man, this week has just sped by! I guess it's because I've had so much to do....
Saturday Zaynah and I danced at the Queen Mary during Cairo Caravan, a huge belly dance event that draws people from all over the world. The audience responded well to our performance, clapping when they saw a move they liked and even coming up to us later and saying how much they enjoyed our dance.
There was lots of shopping onboard and I couldn't resist a necklace and two pairs of earrings from Tribal Bizaar-- I just love their stuff! It all looks old and makes you feel glamorous. One of my other favorite vendors Jezebel clothing was there. They have beautiful silk attire at amazing prizes, so I bought a halter dress with a ruffled skit and a blouse with nice large cuffs. The two even are in the same color range so I can wear them together if I like.
Sunday I went to Magic Mountain with Lynn, Cliff and Johnny from the Gallery at the End of the World. It was another ACE (Association of Coaster Enthusiasts) event so we got in before the park officially opened with many rides already available for us. It was very tiring walking up and down the hills with my still-healing leg, but they were patient and let me take things at a comfortable pace.
We went on the new Terminator rollercoaster and it was terrific! We didn't really get the whole theme thing, but it's a wooden coaster that goes very fast and has a few surprises. It isn't particularly scary, rather it's just plain fun. We ended up going on it four or five times. I love rollercoasters, but I'm not too hot on heights, still I got up guts to go on Tatsu with Lynn. She picked the frontseats! It was a little unnerving to hang facedown as you hurl down the track, especially when you realize how high up you are. I enjoyed it, but one time per visit is more than enough for me on this one!
We worked our way through the park going on almost everything and the funniest part to me was, after Tatsu everything seemed very tame. Heck, Lynn and I had a conversation about shopping while riding Viper.
We were served lunch at noon. It was decent- chicken, bbq pork, cole slaw, potato salad and other picnic stuff, plus ice cream bars for desert. Then it was back in the park for more. We went on every water ride too because the weather was nice. Our favorite - embarrassingly enough - was the Yosemite Sam Falls where you climb to the top of a tower and then ride a raft down through a watershoot tube. We got soaked, but laughed the entire time.
The rest of my week has been mostly filled with writing and interviews. I spoke with Susan Marshall, who is comin
g to Cafe 322 in Sierra Madre for its Song Sirens series, plus her own show, Spencer Chamberlain, lead singer of Underoath who will be on the Vans Warped Tour, and Phil Gold of the Perfect Gentlemen, a unique vocal group that tours nationally.

Last night I attended the Chalk Fest VIP party at Paseo Colorado in Pasadena. It was wonderful to sit by a beautiful fountain, nibbling on food from PF Chang, sipping on a mai tai and enjoying a good conversation. I was flanked by Ben McGinty (owner of Gallery at the End of the World) and Terry Miller (photographer extraoridinaire). I also chatted with fellow former Doo Dah Queens Erica and Kavita, current Queen Skittles, Tom Costen and Patricia Hurley of the Light Bringer Project, Pasadena city personel Ann Erdman and Rochelle Branch and Mayor Bogaard, photographer Tom (can't recall his last name, but he is forever capturing Pasadena highlights) and a collection of artists and other interesting people.
There was a Chinese takeout box filled with chalk set on top of paper at each table and we were encouraged to draw. I created a picture of a girl working on a mural at the Chalk Festival. They announced that our works would be judged for prizes, but I didn't win. Not surprising when you're surrounded by real artists lol!
The big event- the Chalk Festival - is this Saturday and Sunday at Paseo Colorado (for more info visit http://www.sgvn.com/ ). In many of the main areas you can watch street painting in action. It's really amazing and you should stop by even if you only have an hour. I am planning to go early Sunday morning with my mom.
Sunday you'll find me at the Glass House in Pomona watching The Dear Hunter. I became enamored with this prog-type rock band when I had to interview them recently. I sooo dig their music and can't wait to hear how they sound live!
Next week promises more interviews and writing and the Vans Warped Tour on Friday!!
In rotation this week: Orange Sky, Susan Marshall, Dredg, Underoath and The Dear Hunter.
Photos we got 'em: A cute pup from StuffonmyMutt.com and a cat (hopefully reading one of my stories) from SuffonmyCat.com, plus a photo my friend sent me of a music-loving kitty.
Thought o' the week: Get it done! After work every day this week I have bee

I made myself go for a walk every night, plus work out with my weights and ball and stuff. I made myself pay bills and balance my checkbook. I made myself write those reviews I owed DaBelly.com. I made myself read some of that book by my bed. Are you getting the idea?
And what did I gain from all this? Peace. I have slept very well this week because all my responsibilities are out of the way and I have been taking care of myself physically as well. Yeah, there's some pain with the gain, but it is worth every second. So what are you putting off? Well, quit goofing around on the Internet and get it done!
Keep on rockin'
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