Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Concertimatic now available for iPhones and iPods

Concertimatic is now available through the Apple App Store® for iPhone® and iPod Touch® owners. Imagine never missing your favorite bands when they come through town again. With one tap, Concertimatic reads your iTunes® library for your list of artists and then combs through concert listings in your area through a variety of websites. This produces a chronological list of concerts, tailored specifically for you.

The application eliminates the labor and time of searching through sites like Pollstar, Jambase and others, automatically letting you know about shows you’re interested in.

You can buy concert tickets on the phone of course, but you can also email the concert information to yourself or friends to then complete the purchase on a computer. It also has links to the band's page on iTunes® just to make sure you haven't missed their latest release or are looking to fill out your library before the show. The app's default is to know where you are, but allows you to change your location if you are planning a trip and want to see who is playing in that town. Some people are willing to travel great distances to see their band, so Concertimatic offers a range option from one mile up to 200.

"I'm very excited about this new app. After six months of developing and testing, this new tool will mean that you will never again say, 'If I had known that they were coming through town, I'd have gone!'" said Duncan King, founder of Concertimatic. "This simple tool, made possible by the new 3.0 OS, allows you to worry about one less thing. Up until now, there hasn't been an app like this that reads your playlist and tells you in a matter of seconds when those bands are coming -- all for less than a dollar."

Concertimatic was developed by the team at InfoBridge LLC ( ). For further information, visit or to purchase concertimatic from the apple app store, you can place the following URL in your browser:

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