Friday, October 16, 2009

Ric Sarabia on "Medium" tonight

Ric Sarabia is often my drummer when I dance, but he has many other talents, among them is an accomplished actor. I am sharing (the best) part of his letter so you can catch him in action. Tune in and enjoy!~M

This is in regards to my appearance at the very beginning of the tv show "MEDIUM" - Friday October 16 - 9pm - on CBS - ep: "The Medium is the Message". I am John David Boatner, cancer patient, and I play this intense 3-minute scene which opens up the episode with Marcus Giamatti (son to Bart, older brother to Paul) who is quite wonderful. I had to re-voice my scene last week and I'm quite pleased with how it looks.

Don't be late or you'll miss it. If you do miss it, the full episode will play (in the USA) at starting this weekend.

This has been a high profile week for me - one of my episodes of "Friday the 13th" played Tuesday (evil magician's assistant) and my episode of "ER" (drunk in a diaper in a wheelchair) played yesterday.

Also, apparently October is "Changeling" (the Drifter), starring Angelina Jolie, re-run month on Cinemax.

You can catch my cameo (bondage guy with fish hook in face) at the beginning of "Scrubs" on Saturday October 17 at 11pm on WGN.

Finally, you can catch my work on "CSI:" (fight doctor) on Tuesday October 20 at 3 pm and again at 7 pm on SPIKE.

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