Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tim Fite to offer free download of new album

It may be a terrible thing to say, but perhaps there is a reason to celebrate the fact that prolific musician/mischief-maker Tim Fite can't earn a decent living by simply doing what he loves. If it weren't for his recent foray into financial insolvency, Fite would never have recorded Under The Table Tennis, and we would not have the pleasure of hearing this gem of a musical time capsule.

One of Fite's most endearing qualities is his ability to take a moment in time, and, through the use of cunning lyricism, distill it into album form. In 2007, at the height of Bush era cynicism and warmongering, Fite released the scorching diatribe against consumerism and greed entitled Over The Counter Culture. That album, which was distributed for free on Fite's website, was downloaded over 120,000 times. The album also ended up on a number of critics' Top 10 lists including The Chicago Sun Times, The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times, who called the record a "working man's reaction to an increasingly confusing political and cultural climate."

And now, Fite has encapsulated a fresh batch of socioeconomic conundrums. Under The Table Tennis is made up of fourteen fiery songs detailing the side-effects of an economy on the rocks. From foreclosures, to a flawed healthcare system, to just wanting a "fair days pay for a fair days work," the songs on Under The Table Tennis sum up this moment in time with an unsettlingly catchy accuracy. So, if you find yourself singing along to Fite's recession songs, "Don't Say We Didn't Warn You."

Download Under The Table Tennis free of cost May-18 at:

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