Friday, October 17, 2008

End o' week musings

Happy Friday!! I am already on weekend mode, which is fine except I have a full day's work ahead of me. lol!

Last Friday I interview Molly Ringwald about her new jazz project. You can read my story Sunday at

Sunday I danced in Fountain Valley at an event hosted by Incognito. Boy, do they know how to do it! I was greeted warmly as I entered the venue, shown the stage, the dressing room and who would help me should I need anything. The audience was great-- they seemed to really enjoy our performance. We did our Chinese sleeve dance, one of our harder choreographies, and had a blast! The shopping was great too. I bought the most beautiful ring from a San Francisco artist who was there, as well as bracelets, earrings, a jacket and a birthday gift for my boss.
The rest of my week has been filled with work and dance rehearsals.

Today I'll be interviewing Jason Miller of Godhead. I was listening to their latest album and realized he's quite a good vocalist. He has a lot of other things going on too, including lots of voiceover and acting work and he owns a recording studio. This should be very interesting.

Tonight, I'm heading out to the House of Blues in Anaheim to catch the Street Dogs. I like their CD, so I'm looking forward to the show.
Tomorrow is Bluesapalooza in Covina and I am going to try to catch performances by House of Rock, Chico's Bail Bonds, Rick Shea and the Losin' End, the Devon Reeves Band and lots more. It's all free too! You can read my story about House of Blues at Also visit for the band schedule and to learn more about the event, which includes a huge car show, vendors, food and more.

I have two dance gigs coming up, one on Sunday and another on the 26th. Sunday is a Halloween show and we'll only be doing two numbers. The other show will feature a full set. Here's the skinny:
Nightmare Before Halloween
Event 2:30-6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19
Performance 2:48 p.m.
Cal State San Bernardino
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino

Night Out at The Vine
Event 9 p.m.-2 a.m.
Performance 10 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26
with DJs Juicy Jay, Surfer Mike, Roxy and Kane from 98.1
plus Miss Lady La Diva, Tequila Mockingbird and more
The Vine
1235 Vine St.

Wow! Ask me when I sleep, huh?! Awww, you know me, I'll sleep when I'm dead~ there's just too many good things out there to do!!

Photos we got 'em: Just a couple of cute pet pictures- enjoy!

In rotation this week: Horrorpops, Necromantix, Rob Zombie, Street Dogs, Beat Union, Girl Talk, Judas Priest, Godhead and Scum of the Earth (really stuck on that one this week for some reason).

Thought of the week: A little laughter eases the pain. I had to have dental surgery Monday (preparation for a crown) and have a bunch of stitches in my mouth. It's been hard to talk and even harder to eat (I am sooo sick of yogurt, soup, burritos, etc.) and it hurts. It went from sharp pain to a dull ache with itching now and again. Well, instead of whining and wincing, I've tried to keep myself occupied and positive. I watched some funny shows, including the "Get Smart" movie with my mom, and have been reading Ken Waldman's latest book, "Are You Famous?" Best of all, my friends have been calling with good stories to make me laugh. Tuesday I should get my stitches out and be getting back to normal. Yeah, it's been icky, but it's been easier to get through with a smile.

Keep on rockin'

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