Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jessica Davis releases spoken word album

“Benjamin has just awakened from a long sleep of apathy and discovered that the Earth is in a self-destruction mode as a result of centuries of spiritual abuse and neglect as a result of the unbridled pursuit of personal power and wealth. Now that Benjamin has awakened from his deep sleep to this nightmare, he asked himself, “What can I do to stop the ticking clock of self-destruction?”

Benjamin discovers that there is only one way to stop the ticking clock. The answer is found in the secrets of the Moral Code of Creation located at the center of the Earth.”

This 45-minute Spoken Word album has seven tracks filled with background music and sound effects. The tracks include:

Track I-“By Invitation Only”
Track II-“The Beginning of Planet Earth”
Track III-“The Seer of the Ages”
Track IV-“The Fourth Dimension”
Track V-“The Moral Code of Creation”
Track VI-“Unlocking the Moral Code”
Track VII-“About the Storyteller”

The Storyteller states, “I wanted to write a Science Fiction series for teens and adults with a moral twist utilizing the technology of the day for this generation. ITunes allows me to reach this generation in ways that was not available 20 years ago. We are pleased to be on ITunes so quickly. We will be successful when we see the Global Warning 2017 Series downloaded on every IPod and the Series can be found on the Billboard chart. In the meantime, I will keep writing until Benjamin saves the Earth from self-destruction by unlocking the Moral Code. The next CD will be available later this summer.”

The author and storyteller, Jessica Davis, is the Dean of Students at New Brunswick Theological Seminary, the oldest seminary in North America found in 1784. New Brunswick Seminary is a diverse institution of more than 30 faith communities.

The Global Warning 2017 album is now available in CD and digital download formats on Jessica Davis is available for live Spoken Word performances at various small and large venues including colleges, coffee houses, and churches on her Global Warning 2017 Tour. To book a performance, go to

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