What a week! I've been on a weird emotional rollercoaster of good things happening and bad things I need to deal with, but I'm getting through it all.
Last Saturday I went to Caltech to see the Bellydance Superstars. It was a good show with a nice mix of styles and music. And the costumes were fantastic!

On Sunday I danced at the Coffee Haven in Long Beach and if you weren't there, you missed a great show. There were five acts and each one was different. The performances ranged from tribal to traditional Egyptian and bit of everything in between. Zaynah and I offered up five choreographies over two sets, but diverged from them here and there to have fun with the crowd. It was a friendly group and we made some tips, so it was a good night. I'd like to send a shout out to Carlos Lanza and his friend who came out to see us!
The rest of the week was devoted to dancing and writing. I interviewed subjects for a bunch of stage stories, including "The Bible Experience Live" at Azusa Pacific University, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" at Theatre 360 in Pasadena and "Mask" at the Pasad
ena Playhouse. Watch for my stories at http://www.sgvn.com/ next week. This week you can read about my experience sampling cuisine and beer at Gord Biersch in Pasadena and my chat with the East Village Opera Company, who will be at Caltech in Pasadena.

If you want to find me this weekend, here's where I'll be:
Reyner Banham Loves Los Angeles: Route 66
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday
11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday
Join me for a guided bus tour of Route 66 packed with history, fun facts, trivia and more.
Tickets are $55 and can be ordered online until the morning of the tour. For last minute bookings, please feel free to call 310-995-4591 after 8am on tour day, and if there are seats available, you can reserve a spot and pay with cash at the bus. http://www.esotouric.com/
Atomic Raq-It!
Belly dancing to the hits of the '50s, '60s & '70s
2:30-6 p.m. Sunday
I'll be dancing at 2:45 p.m. with swords, shimmies and smiles. $5 adults and $3 children under 10. Masonic Lodge, 131 Cajon, Redlands. http://www.mecda.org/

Photos we got 'em: Here's two photos from the Faster Pussycat show last week taken by my friend, Valerie, a photo of my friend Scott ripping on his guitar, one of Scott's bandmate just hanging and the last taken by my brother Jason- the most adorable (and smartest) dog in the world-- Atticus.
In rotation this week: Sparger, Nicole Atkins, The Buccaneers, High On Fire, Kidneys, Secondhand Serenade, Josie Cotton, HorrorPops, Beautiful Creatures and Mary Lou Lord.

Thought of the week: Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing. I've been wrestling with a situation that I know I have to face and it's tough. It hurts me to do what I have to do, but I know it's for the best-- I have to part with one of my friends. He's been going through a lot and, even though his life is looking up again, he still has a lot of anger and takes it out on everyone around him (that means me too). It's stressful to be around him and I have to watch everything I say so I don't upset him. I've decided to let this negativity out of my life. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, as I need to be strong and do this the right way.
Keep on rockin'