I am sooo stoked!! Yes, it's Friday. Yes, it's a payday Friday. But better than that-- it's the Friday before my vacation. I'm sorry, dear readers, but you will be berift of all that great news I send your way for the next week. I'm not sorry because I deserve this time off and need the break from the world to recharge...

Last Saturday I headed out to the Avalon in Hollyweird to catch the HorrorPops show. I just love that band! Patricia Day is just wonderful when she takes the stage with her standup bass and vintage attire. Their set was terrific and the fans didn't want them to stop. Unfortunately, they had to because of time.
My night was still young, so I headed over to Tina's Tavern in West Covina to catch some music from my friend DJ Rexx. It was super crowded there and took almost 20 minutes to get a beer. I did manage to find a seat, though. I hung out for an hour or so and then headed home to get some much needed sleep.
Monday I took my friend Vernor (who also works with me at the newspaper and is the movie critc for DaBelly.com) for his traditional birthday pizookie at BJ's restaurant. We had sensible lunches first and then splurged on the warm chocolate chunk cookie topped with scoops of vanilla bean ice cream. I had to do the singing because the waitstaff simply brings the dessert with a quick "Happy Birthday." It was funny because the waitress gave me the greeting and had to repeat it when I told her it was Vernor's big day not mine!

Wednesday was a cool day too. I went to the Pacific Asia Museum (http://www.pacificasiamuseum.com/) in Pasadena to talk with curator Julian Bermudez about the new exhibit, "The Samurai Re-Imagined: From Ukiyo-e to Anime." The show includes woodblock prints, animation cels and drawings, movie posters, traditional weapory, a suit of armor and more. If you like anything samurai - traditional or contemporary - you should check this out.
After my visit, I returned to my office to give Bill Medley a call. Medley is one of the Righteous Brothers and he will be in concert at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts at the end of March. He was very gracious and we had a nice chat. Both of those stories should be found at http://www.sgvn.com/ next week or so.
Last night I went to dance practice. My knee is still bugging me, but it went a bit better this time. It's a little scary to not be able to move as well as I used to, I know I need to keep at it and it will come back with time and patience.
Tonight I am going to the Southern Rock Night show at Paladino's in Tarzana. Joe Walla Band is playing and will also be taping a show for television. They're always great live so I'm looking forward to the concert.
w I have a big day planned. I'm going to go to my yoga class, then head to Strings in Glendora to see Vin Fizz Flyer. Yes, they're playing from 8-10 a.m. - weird, but worth it. 'Sides I'll be all mellow from yoga so they'll get me perked up and ready for the rest of my day. I have a ton of errands and other little things to do.

If I'm not too worn out, I'm going to go to the final taping of "Marty's Corner" at KCAT studios in Hacienda Heights. The show isn't ending, the studio is closing. The show's producer has not announced what their next plan of action is, but he has assured its fans that the show will go on.
Sunday I will be packing and doing any last minute things before hitting the road... errr... seas. I will be spending the week on a cruise. This will be my first cruise too so I'm extra excited. I promise to bring you back some good stories.
Lastly, I would like to take a sec to send out some congrats. I managed to catch "Eleventh Hour" on television last night and who was that dirty junkman?? None other than my handsome drummer friend Ric Sarabia! I keep seeing his mug popping up on the TV~ you go, dude!!
Photos we got 'em: Samurai Jack, female warrior Tomoe Gozen and a comic book cover by artist Stan Sakai (see similar art at the Pacific Asia Museum exhibit), a cat that made me smile and my cruise ship.
Thought of the week: Be the ant with the spirit of the grasshopper. Do you remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper? The ant worked and worked while the grasshopper played and sang. It rained and the ant had a nice home and plenty to eat while the grasshopper was outside cold and hungry. The moral was about being prepared.
I think it can be bad to be too much one way or the other. The grasshopper obviously enjoys life and loves to have a good time, but he doesn't really take good care of himself. The ant toils away and has everything he needs, but is he never stops to smell the roses. It's better to have balance. Word hard, but find time for laughter. Save your money, yet don't
hesistate to get out and have some fun. Live without regrets, but not without reguards. Be responsible for yourself and take every opportunity to live your life to the fullest.

Keep on rockin'