Gosh! Is it Friday already? This week flew by and I like it that way~ it means I've been keeping busy...
The Warped Tour Pre-Party at the Key Club in Hollyweird last Friday was a blast! I got to rub elbows and chat with Kevin Lyman, the founder of Warped Tour, as well as one of my favorite bands, The Fabulous Rudies. Then I got some couch chat time with Beat Union. Their guitarist and I discussed... what else? ... guitars, writing and recording music, fame and fans and being on the road.
Later we all traisped out to the main part of the club for the big show. The stage was kept busy with performances by The Aggrolites, Beat Union, 303 and more! My brother, Jason, was on hand to photograph the action and I'll share a couple of shots here with you.

Saturday I went to California Adventure and Disneyland with my friends Andrew and Byron. I laughed sooo hard on the big Ferris wheel. We selected the swinging cars and ended up sharing ours with two cute ladies from Alaska. One of the grrrlz was quite nervous and kept gripping the seat as the car swung back and forth high in the air. I hung on too, but only because I was afraid of falling on the girls. It was way too much fun!
In the main park, we managed to get on most of the "big" rides and a few of the other ones, as well as see "Fantasmic" and the fireworks. I just can't get enough of the Indiana Jones ride... and I definitely an amped about the new movie coming out! Ooooo Indy!!!
The rest of my week was filled with interviews and dance rehearsals, which leads me to tonight. Zaynah and I will be shakin' our groove things for a good set of choreography - complete with swords! You can catch us here:
Tequila Mockingbird's
Club Fluffer
8 p.m. Friday, April 18
Performance: 11 p.m.
with Bonnie Delight Burlesque Review, Folk from Dick and Jane, Madame Pameta and Tequila Billy
Zero One Gallery
609 Olive St.
Los Angeles
Club Fluffer
8 p.m. Friday, April 18
Performance: 11 p.m.
with Bonnie Delight Burlesque Review, Folk from Dick and Jane, Madame Pameta and Tequila Billy
Zero One Gallery
609 Olive St.
Los Angeles
And if that doesn't work for ya, you won't get a long performance, but you can see get a nice taste here:
Festival of Dancing Colors
Event: 2:30-6 p.m. Sunday, April 20
Performance: 2:48 p.m.
Cal State San Bernardino
Santos Manuel Student Union
5500 University Parkway
San Bernardino
In between, meaning Saturday, I will be taking my mother to see Cheryl Conley and her "Tribute t
o the Women of Jazz" in Pasadena. Find out more at http://www.cherylconley.com/

The coming week will include interviews with Beat Union and Jessy J for future stories, more dancing and a trip to the Renaissance Faire. Life is just too short to miss a thing!
ICING ALERT!! You can win a prize for your creative idea. We are trying to find a new name for my adventure series. You know, the one where I write about my exploits - from swimming with sharks to learning to deejay with Art Laboe. Share your suggestion and you just might see it in print! Visit http://sgvn.com/michellemills to enter. Contest ends Sunday, April 20.
Photos we got 'em: As promised a couple of Warped Tour Pre-Party pix from my brother, two cute pet photos and a view of one of my favorite shops- Bamboo2U and Tikis Too.
In rotation this week: Orange Sky, 3, MIG, Josh Turner, Meat Loaf, Tom Petty and Joe Walla.

Thought of the week: My friends laugh when I say, "I'll sleep when I'm dead." The thing is they know I mean it. I'm not saying you should run yourself ragged, but I believe you should never miss an opportunity to experience something new. OK, maybe I'm a bit more of a daredevil than most, still, you can apply this attitude to your life in your own way. It can be as fantastic as rolling down the road with your friend on their chopper or as simple as calling someone important in your life and telling them how you really feel. Don't waste this precious gift because you don't want to look back on your life with any regrets!
Keep on rockin'
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