Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Madame Pamita seeking jug band and performing Wednesday


Do you own a jug? Know how to play it? How about a trombone?

Madame Pamita is looking for some low end for the jug band. If you know someone who fits the bill, send 'em my way.

How about you filmmaker types? Do you have a pro camcorder that you could lend or sell me? I'm looking for something like a Canon XL1 to take with me to England.

email me at madamepamita@gmail.com with any leads...

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Madame Pamita's Parlor of Wonders
Final Taix Performance before her Grand Tour of England!
Wednesday, April the 29th
10:30 PM
Mister Mark Miller
Cinderella Motel
Come get your fortune told before she leaves for the British Isles!
1911 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

For more information: www.madamepamita.com

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