Merry Freakin' Christmas! is a short film directed by Mike Sanders, screenplay by Jonathan Scott and is produced by Mike Sanders, Jonathan Scott & Edward Hewitt Jr. It stars Tim Dixon, CeCe Boyle and Louis Scott as the "monster”! The film will have its Pasadena premiere at 8:30pm, Thursday, Dec. 8th, 2011 with Red Carpet Entrances & Photographs from 8:15pm at Pasadena Foursquare Church: 174 N. Harkness Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106. There will be seating available to the public and the event is free!
The film includes an introduction by Eulene "Lugosi" Greenwood, granddaughter to the chiropractor/actor, Tom Mason, who stepped in to finish Bella Lugosi's role (from the nose up) when Bella Lugosi died half-way thru filming "Plan Nine from Outer Space", directed by the infamous Ed Wood. The plot for Merry Freakin’ Christmas! involves a mysterious UFO crash in a small town during the holidays. The local town Santa suddenly isn't the same anymore and it's up to the town Sheriff to save the day!
The film includes an introduction by Eulene "Lugosi" Greenwood, granddaughter to the chiropractor/actor, Tom Mason, who stepped in to finish Bella Lugosi's role (from the nose up) when Bella Lugosi died half-way thru filming "Plan Nine from Outer Space", directed by the infamous Ed Wood. The plot for Merry Freakin’ Christmas! involves a mysterious UFO crash in a small town during the holidays. The local town Santa suddenly isn't the same anymore and it's up to the town Sheriff to save the day!
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