Wednesday, April 8, 2009

IAMX's Chris Corner makes statement about music piracy

A Personal Statement from
About Music Piracy, The Fate of Artists, and of IAMX

The fate of artists, albums, and the music scene in general is currently in flux with news we've all heard before and statistics that keep trending downward. While the lament of the artists is an oft-heard collective sigh, it's rare that an artist takes the podium with eloquence and without vitriol. That artist is Chris Corner of Berlin-based band IAMX. The highly personal and intimate new album, Kingdom of Welcome Addiction, is due in-stores on May 19, 2009 on Metropolis Records, but has unfortunately leaked onto the internet.

I want to say so much but I will keep it short.

There are times when I am confused by the motives of people.

I want to remind anyone that listens to the music of IAMX that it is a fiercely independent project. That means we, as a close group of artists and friends, struggle and work intensely to get it out into the world. We produce it, promote it, nurture it and now sell it ourselves. It is our baby. We are not bound to a major corporation and have no major funding. We are not interested in fame and we are proud of what we do.

I believe that shows in the conscience and sincerity of the appreciators of this music. I believe our fans are special.

But people must be warned of the depreciating value of art.

Music is irresponsibly and disrespectfully uploaded.

The emotional concern, technical craft, intense care and spirit that is put into it is crushed without consideration.

I am not only worried about being able to continue making IAMX music but worried about the slow destruction of the soul of the audience. Our hearts need more than just unearned instant gratification. Reward comes through longing, waiting, supporting and deserving.

In attempting to promote the new IAMX album we begrudgingly sent a link to 'important' journalists… a link where they could listen to the full album and we could discuss it in interviews.

This trust was abused and the album was put online.

There is no more anticipation. The game is over.

Therefore I am calling on you, friends and lovers.

We need to take responsibility together to protect art and hold it as sacred. I don't just mean IAMX. I mean everything. At some point we need to kill our lethargy and believe in things.

Everything is so easy. We feel the world owes us everything now. That is insane and unhealthy.
We are spoiled, cynical children that need to grow up.

I hate money. I hate that we are money dependent. It is a disease of society and the controlling tool of the elite, but nevertheless it exists.

We need you to buy the record, not download it. We need you to buy merchandise and come to the shows. Gone are the days of huge record deals and endless support. We are traveling salesmen and gypsies.

If you feel that somehow you deserve to have the album without payment or conscience, then I am open to hear your reasons. I want your feedback and to begin a discourse.

Art helps us deal with being alive. It oils the brittle wheels and gives us a glimpse into a deeper purpose of our tiny existence.

If you care, then do everything in your power to help us continue making it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah…come on now Chris. I have been a devoteed fan myself back from the time of Sneaker Pimps and also a devoteed supporter of legal ways of acquiring music (meaning buying CDs among others…having bought more than 2.500 till now, you can imagine how much has the music industry leeched from my pocket). Just recently had the chance to enjoy one of your live shows.

And you know something? It is thanks MP3s that I had the chance to know you in the first place and follow you since then. Why the hell do (some) artists think/believe that every mp3 album downloaded, means one less CD sale? Trust me on this Chris…whoever has the chance to listen to your music, WILL try to buy it or give back by going to one of your shoe, buy some merchandise etc. If they don’t, they wouldn’t buy it any way. I know I will, because I love what I’m hearing at the moment. Yeah…I found it a few minutes ago thought a private tracker and decided to satisfy my musical thirst, till your original album can be found on the cd store shelves. That’s all.

And you know something else? It should be absolutely essential that the fans have the chance to listen to the songs that the band asks them to pay for…beforehand. Unless you prefer to have sheeps for listeners. I want to know if a CD deserves its money, because I’m also not rich (like you aren’t either) Chris. Giving away 15-20€ nowadays for a CD, when you don’t really know what to expect, is really not fair. And I want to trust my own judgement and ears Chris, not those of a reviewer and not just 2-3 songs through Myspace or radio.

But let’s say that you are absolutely right for a moment. Let’s pretend that we, the listeners and music fans that take the trouble to download music in order to get to know some bands and decide what to buy and what not, are some filthy ans spoiled little criminals and the blogs/sites a disgrace to musical society. What are you gonna do about that Chris? Chase every single one of these thousand sites that decided to -actually- promote your excellent music? You artists should be a bit smarter over these new eras we live in. Don’t fight them…embrace them. Radiohead managed to get plenty by just offering their new material through their web site in mp3 and asking for whatever anyone thought that deserves…and they made their typical sales as well when the CD came out. Simple as that. What would they gain if they decided to fight the whole thing? Would they stop the flow of things? Of course not. So much more beneficial if you just dive into the river and go with it. Let the link be there so everyone will be able to appreciate your beautiful new album. Don’t make the same mistake as others equating downloads with lost sales. If something is worthwhile, people will buy it nevertheless.

And let’s be honest Chris. Haven’t you ever downloaded anything from the Internet? Haven’t you ever copied a cassette or a cd from a friend, listened to it and decided to buy it in the end? Well, the same thing happens here, but just in a more expanded level.

I love your work, but your short-sighted view over this issue, I’m sure that will polarise even your own fans and surely won’t help on your attempt to acquire more listeners, whn you don;t want them to listen to your music.

Be smart Chris…be smart!