This has been a terrible week for me. It started out fun, but has ended leaving me very down.
Friday my mother and I went to Levitt Pavilion in Pasadena to see the Mexican brass quintet Metales M5. We took the Gold Line from Sierra Madre, which was great because it took us right to Memorial Park-- no traffic, parking hassles, etc. Metales M5 was terrific! They began their show in baroque-style costumes and classical tunes, then worked their way through all kinds of music - and costume changes - until they were playing music from "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter." They left the crowd begging for more- which is the way to do it.
I understand that Metales M5 will be in Long Beach later this year and I encourage you to see them. You will never look at brass instruments the same way again.

Sunday I went to a co-worker's baby shower. The guests were mostly from my office, so I knew almost everyone there. The food was really good- lots of nibbly things and the conversation was interesting. The mom-to-be seemed surprised with all her gifts and we teased her that she needed a bigger car to get them home. Fun!
Wednesday, my Jack Russell terrier Atticus had to be euthanized due to massive organ failure. Thank goodness everything happened quickly- he had been eating a little less Monday and Tuesday, but other than that seemed OK. Wednesday he couldn't use his back legs right when he got up, which led to a rush to the vet's office and a few tests to confirm the sad diagnosis. Putting Atti to sleep was the humane thing to do, as he may have survived a little longer, but he would have been in a lot of pain.
Atticus was super smart, brave and sweet. He enjoyed going on assignment with me to try out dock diving, agility class and seeing if Ventura is really a dog-friendly town. Atti and I also had fun boogie boarding, camping and cruising in the car with the top down. He was by my side as the Royal Pup when I was the 31st Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Queen, making the grand pass down Colorado Boulevard in Carin and Tom's vintage convertible. Wherever he went and whatever he did, he always carried himself with grace and charm, plus a little mischievous sparkle.
Atticus touched everyone he met, as well as those who read his stories. It was not usual to receive letters and e-mails for him (which he answered), as well as requests for him to make an appearance somewhere. The funniest thing was, when people asked me if he could attend an event, they would pause and say, "Oh, and I guess you can come too"~ as if he could drive himself or perhaps had a full staff at his beck (or should that be bark?) and call!

Atticus lived a very full life and was truly a little dog in search of big adventure. He will always have a place in my heart.
Sunday, if you are tired of bad television or the listening to the same music, tune in to Poo Bah Radio at http://www.poobah.com/ for Tom Coston's Martini Hour with Red Rosie, as I will be the featured guest.
Red Rosie is the current Doo Dah Queen and Tom is the president of Light Bringer Project, which uses the Doo Dah Parade as a fund raiser for its art and art education programs for children and the mentally ill. And Poo Bah is one of the most eclectic and wonderful record (that's right, vinyl) stores around. Please join us for an intriguing time.
In rotation this week: Queen, "If I Were a Carpenter" compilation disc and David Serby.
Photos we got 'em: A fun bird photo, Paco the Brave Chihuahua ( www.twitter.com/bravepaco ) in his superdog cape and, of course, my precious Atticus.
Thought o' the week. Cherish the people and pets in your life. Take the time to show and tell them how important they are to you. And make each moment a treasure, as we don't know where life will take us nor how much time we have. Love is all.
Keep on rockin'