Monday, August 22, 2011

Doobie McDonald donates books to Whittier libraries

Good day, Dear Uptown Whittier Association, Michelle, and Whittier Library....

This might still be running on CityTV6.
It is my appearance at the latest City Council Meeting, promoting my book,
"Ye Ole Fiendly Towne and Other Whittier Zombie Haikus"

You can now check it out at both the Branch and Central Public Libraries.
Here are their phone numbers in case you'd like to ask them about holding it for you:

Whittier Central Library
7344 Washington Ave.
Whittier, CA 90602

Whittwood Branch Library
10537 Santa Gertrudes Ave.
Whittier, CA 90603

Also, Michelle Mills from the Whittier Daily News was awesome to
put a great spot about it into the newspaper!

ThaaankUverymush for Ur time and for giving me so much inspiration.
Doobie McDonald

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