Friday, May 1, 2009

Third Wheel and Arpa y Aulos concert May 16

Event Third Wheel
Karin Kantenwein, flute
Adrienne Geffen, clarinet
Rich Ramberg, bassoon


Arpa Y Aulos
Andrea Puente, harp
Salpi Kerkonian, flute

When Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.

Where Trinity Lutheran Church
1340 Eleventh Street
Manhattan Beach, CA
(3 blks east of Sepulveda & 1 blk south of Manhattan Beach Blvd.)

Admission Free, donations appreciated.

Their friendships span more than 12 years with countless shared musical performances, but none as Third Wheel until the trio was founded in 2007. The group is dedicated to seeking out lesser-known works by contemporary composers. More about Third Wheel:

Designed as musical journeys through time, the programs of Arpa y Aulos encompass music from the Renaissance to the present day, including commissioned new music written especially for the ensemble. More about Arpa y Aulos:

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