Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tim Tedrow & Terry Vreeland in Chantry Flats July 18

Sunday July 18
Tim Tedrow & Terry Vreeland will be playing at
Adams Pack Station
Chantry Flats
1-4 pm
Sharing the bill will be singer/songwriter Dan Roten
As usual we will be joined by Joey Vreeland and the Reverend Mark

To get to Chantry Flats:
get to Santa Anita Ave. and head north into the mountains
that's all I know
for further info go to and check out the food and facilities

Hope to see you there-should be fun
Tim & Terry


Bob Davis said...

Will the "motive power" for the pack train be "chiming in"? Reminds me of the Budweiser commercial where the donkey applies to join the Clydesdales. The "Boss Hoss" says, "You're a DONKEY! What makes you thing you belong with us?" And the burros lets loose with Rocky Mountain Canary aria that pins the horses' ears back. I think the Boss Hoss says something like, "Well, since you put it that way......" And the final scene shows the donkey proudly accompanying the team with the beer wagon. Eeeeeeyyyahhh!

Mickie said...

I remember that commercial- it was great! I love the creativity of the Budweiser commercials, but I love the horse even more. I did a story on them once and got to meet the horses in person and one stuck his nose in my purse~ he was looking for treats!

Keep on rockin'